Eric Burton Email and Phone Number
Eric Burton's Current Company Details
Eric Burton Work Experience
Owner And RingleaderCaptain Burton'S Fun Time Sideshow Circus Jan 14 - Present · 11 yrs
Repairs, Restorations, And Custom HatsHatbox: A Modern Haberdashery End date missingAustin, Texas, United StatesWork on the repairs and restorations. I can repair almost anything that has been done to a hat. Make custom hats I know to shape the crown and the brim. I have been one of the top selling employees for the time I have been working there.
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Start your free trialFrequently Asked Questions about Eric Burton
What company does Eric Burton work for?
Eric Burton works for Captain Burton's Fun Time Sideshow Circus
What is Eric Burton's role in his/her workplace?
Eric Burton's role in his/her workplace is Owner And Ringleader.
Who are Eric Burton's colleagues?
Eric Burton's colleagues are Lauri Turner, Lauri Turner, Aydın Akkan, Aydın Akkan, Nick Hamner, Nick Hamner, Jaron Kucera, Jaron Kucera, Joanna Mccray, Joanna Mccray, and Lauri Turner. and Serena Barton.