Emma Smith

Emma Smith Email and Phone Number

Administrative Assistant @ Temping

Emma Smith's Current Company Details



Administrative Assistant
Real Estate
Recently completed a BA in Human Resource Management at the University of Leeds; and now excited to start my career!Currently based in London, however happy to relocate for the right position.

Emma Smith Work Experience

  • sdsinvestments.com
    Administrative Assistant
    Temping Jun 17 - Present · 7 yrs 7 mos

Emma Smith Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Emma Smith

What company does Emma Smith work for?

Emma Smith works for Temping

What is Emma Smith's role in his/her workplace?

Emma Smith's role in his/her workplace is Administrative Assistant.

Which industry does Emma Smith work in currently?

Emma Smith works in the industry Real Estate.

What schools did Emma Smith attend?

Emma Smith attended University Of Leeds.

Who are Emma Smith's colleagues?

Emma Smith's colleagues are Fazila Karim, Fazila Karim, Brittany Skeens, Brittany Skeens, Sophie Algie, Sophie Algie, Stephanie Smith, Stephanie Smith, Sonya O’donnell, Sonya O’donnell, and Delena Pate. and Caz Beard.

Who are Emma Smith's peers at other companies?

Emma Smith's peers at other companies are Paul Holmes, Tiffany Barrett, Biagio Gatti, Sven Dahlmeyer, Albany Vine, and Jenessa Reutov. and Giuliano Di Giuseppe. Emma Smith's peers at other companies are Paul Holmes, Tiffany Barrett, Biagio Gatti, Sven Dahlmeyer, Albany Vine, and Jenessa Reutov. and Giuliano Di Giuseppe.