Emma Smith

Emma Smith Email and Phone Number

Director @ Ss And A
baton rouge, louisiana, united states

Emma Smith's Contact Information

Emma Smith work email

Emma Smith personal email


Emma Smith's Current Company Details


Ss And A

baton rouge, louisiana, united states
Emma Smith graduated from London Metropolitan University in 1996 with a BA Hons in Humanities. Since then she has worked in the UK, Australia and the Middle East with companies including the Queensland Government, ANC International (UAE), JK Buckenham and Roset UK Ltd. She has been involved in and had responsibility for company set up and expansion, including contract negotiations and meeting legal requirements. She has extensive experience in financial management and holds accreditation in Health & Safety and Risk Assessment.

Emma Smith Work Experience

  • ssanda.co.uk
    Business Support Manager Uk And Ireland
    Roset (Uk) Limited Nov 02 - May 05 · 2 yrs 6 mos
    Amersham, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
  • ssanda.co.uk
    Ss And A Mar 16 - Present · 8 yrs 10 mos
    Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
    SS and A are a Building Services Engineering Consultancy offering a wide range of services: Surveying, Design, Technical Advisory and Energy & Sustainability . Our Clients include Landlords, Local Authorities, Building Surveyors, Property Managers and Developers in the Commercial and Public Sector.

Emma Smith Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Emma Smith

What company does Emma Smith work for?

Emma Smith works for Ss And A

What is Emma Smith's role in his/her workplace?

Emma Smith's role in his/her workplace is Director.

Which industry does Emma Smith work in currently?

Emma Smith works in the industry Construction.

What is Emma Smith's email address?

Emma Smith's email address is emma.smith@ssanda.co.uk

What schools did Emma Smith attend?

Emma Smith attended Parsons Mead School, Ashtead, Surrey, Parsons Mead School, Ashtead, Surrey. and London Metropolitan University.

What is Emma Smith's role in his workplace?

Emma Smith has skills like Management, Health And Safety, and Business Management.

Who are Emma Smith's colleagues?

Emma Smith's colleagues are

Who are Emma Smith's peers at other companies?

Emma Smith's peers at other companies are Manu Srivastava, Anna Parjaszewska, Serafim Angelis, Steven Tough, Steven Ide, and Konrad Wronka. and Jacob Cobb. Emma Smith's peers at other companies are Manu Srivastava, Anna Parjaszewska, Serafim Angelis, Steven Tough, Steven Ide, and Konrad Wronka. and Jacob Cobb.