Emily Berger

Emily Berger Email and Phone Number

Staff Accountant @ Benson Inkster Brighton Professional Corporation

Emily Berger's Current Company Details

Benson Inkster Brighton Professional Corporation

Staff Accountant

Emily Berger Work Experience

  • Administrative Assistant
    Benson Inkster Brighton Professional Corporation Jan 12 - Dec 13 · 1 yr 11 mos
    Provided professional and respectful customer service during both scheduled andimpromptu meetings with clients-Was responsible for managing office needs including making supply orders through variouscompanies such as Grand & Toy/Officemax-Maintained corporate web page and developed marketing/advertising materials to increasevisibility to potential clients-Supported the planning and coordination of client recruitment events-Supervised and provided guidance to new administration staff to ensure compliance withgeneral office procedures
  • Staff Accountant
    Benson Inkster Brighton Professional Corporation Sep 12 - Present · 12 yrs 5 mos
    Produces year-end financial statements and tax returns, and determines the eligibility ofexpenses for clients in a highly accurate manner-Implements generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), practices, and payrollprocedures on a daily basis using industry standard software (Caseware, Taxprep, andQuickbooks)-Applies the rules and guidelines of tax legislation and the Income Tax Act to ensure a detailoriented approach to completing client files-Provides bookkeeping services including the accurate reporting of various expenses, thepreparation of accounts payable/receivable ledgers and the formulation of payrollremittance schedules-Develops and maintains complex spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel to track accuratecompletion of client financial records-Frequently updates management and clients on project status through communication viatelephone and email-Oversees multiple projects and tasks as per scheduled monthly tax deadlines-Independently prepares sections of Notice to Reader engagements for smaller corporations

Emily Berger Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Emily Berger

What company does Emily Berger work for?

Emily Berger works for Benson Inkster Brighton Professional Corporation

What is Emily Berger's role in his/her workplace?

Emily Berger's role in his/her workplace is Staff Accountant.

What schools did Emily Berger attend?

Emily Berger attended Fanshawe College.