Elsie Boshoff

Elsie Boshoff Email and Phone Number

Receptionist @ Kemtek Imaging Systems
johannesburg, gauteng, south africa

Elsie Boshoff's Current Company Details


Kemtek Imaging Systems

johannesburg, gauteng, south africa
So.... for those who don't know yet, I have resigned from Kemtek to move to Limpopo and be with my family

Elsie Boshoff Work Experience

  • kemtek.co.za
    Medical Technologist And Medical Trials
    Dr'S P Sareli & D Skudicky 2004 - 2010 · 6 yrs
  • kemtek.co.za
    Clinical Nurse
    Jurg Van Der Westhuizen Pharmacy Dec 20 - Dec 22 · 2 yrs
  • kemtek.co.za
    Channel Sales Representative
    Kemtek Imaging Systems End date missing
    Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
  • kemtek.co.za
    Kemtek Imaging Systems Jan 11 - Present · 14 yrs 1 mo
    Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
    Switchboard, orders clerk, invoicing, client liason, liase with dispatch, liase with sales reps and customers, liase with accounts

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Frequently Asked Questions about Elsie Boshoff

What company does Elsie Boshoff work for?

Elsie Boshoff works for Kemtek Imaging Systems

What is Elsie Boshoff's role in his/her workplace?

Elsie Boshoff's role in his/her workplace is Receptionist.

Which industry does Elsie Boshoff work in currently?

Elsie Boshoff works in the industry Printing.

Who are Elsie Boshoff's colleagues?

Elsie Boshoff's colleagues are Philisile Maseko, Philisile Maseko, Mark Ninow, Mark Ninow, Clive Barnett, Clive Barnett, Richard Sebatane, Richard Sebatane, Irene Le Roux, Irene Le Roux, and Clint Hattle. and Debbie Schoombee.

Who are Elsie Boshoff's peers at other companies?

Elsie Boshoff's peers at other companies are Josie Heibel, John Pyke, Mona Atchison, Skylar Rote, Aaron Timmons, and Adam Barksdale. and Kryss Esposito. Elsie Boshoff's peers at other companies are Josie Heibel, John Pyke, Mona Atchison, Skylar Rote, Aaron Timmons, and Adam Barksdale. and Kryss Esposito.