Edward Opena

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Edward Opena's Current Company Details


Wise Education Center And Training Network

Biology Instructor
Education Management

Edward Opena Work Experience

Edward Opena Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Edward Opena

What company does Edward Opena work for?

Edward Opena works for Wise Education Center And Training Network

What is Edward Opena's role in his/her workplace?

Edward Opena's role in his/her workplace is Biology Instructor.

Which industry does Edward Opena work in currently?

Edward Opena works in the industry Education Management.

What is Edward Opena's email address?

Edward Opena's email address is aidwourd@gmail.com

What schools did Edward Opena attend?

Edward Opena attended Mindanao State University.

Who are Edward Opena's colleagues?

Edward Opena's colleagues are Jeson Bustamante, Jeson Bustamante, Verlida Bulatag, Verlida Bulatag, Trina Catipay, Trina Catipay, Jennith Sabela, Jennith Sabela, Derasin Vincent, Derasin Vincent, and Ricarido Nanggan. and Marc Alcaraz.

Who are Edward Opena's peers at other companies?

Edward Opena's peers at other companies are Diane Weiss, Harley Liggett, Sheila Kollar, Robin Long, Arfan Ali, and Bonnie Hatton. and Charmaine Hercules. Edward Opena's peers at other companies are Diane Weiss, Harley Liggett, Sheila Kollar, Robin Long, Arfan Ali, and Bonnie Hatton. and Charmaine Hercules.