Edmar Couto

Edmar Couto Email and Phone Number

Supervisor De Produção @ Jbs
sao paulo, sao paulo, brazil

Edmar Couto's Current Company Details



Supervisor De Produção
sao paulo, sao paulo, brazil
Food Production

Edmar Couto Work Experience

  • jbssa.com
    Supervisor De Produção
    Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

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Frequently Asked Questions about Edmar Couto

What company does Edmar Couto work for?

Edmar Couto works for Jbs

What is Edmar Couto's role in his/her workplace?

Edmar Couto's role in his/her workplace is Supervisor De Produção.

Which industry does Edmar Couto work in currently?

Edmar Couto works in the industry Food Production.

Who are Edmar Couto's colleagues?

Edmar Couto's colleagues are Rubens Grilli, Rubens Grilli, Cassandra Mack, Cassandra Mack, Pedro Wilson, Pedro Wilson, Burke Klewei, Burke Klewei, Carolyn Johns, Carolyn Johns, and Christopher Alegre. and Derik Segura.

Who are Edmar Couto's peers at other companies?

Edmar Couto's peers at other companies are Sherry Rowland, Cleyve Melo, Jade Daian, Mike Aultman, Jeremiah Austin, and Kelsey Fraser. and Bobby Troup. Edmar Couto's peers at other companies are Sherry Rowland, Cleyve Melo, Jade Daian, Mike Aultman, Jeremiah Austin, and Kelsey Fraser. and Bobby Troup.