Dylan Hofflander

Dylan Hofflander Email and Phone Number

Dylan Hofflander's Current Company Details

Americorps Watershed Stewards Project

I'm a graduate from the University of San Diego with a B.A. in Biological Sciences. I currently am an Americorps member working under the Watershed Stewards Project. I have interests in aquaculture, conservation biology, and the estuarine environment.

Dylan Hofflander Work Experience

  • Assistant Manager
    Pomeroy Farms May 06 - Aug 12 · 6 yrs 3 mos
    Owner Steve Pomeroy has multiple orchards of a variety of fruits including cherries, peaches, apricots, walnuts, and nectarines. He runs a U-pick style orchards and I worked my way up from a bagger to managing one of the three orchards. Responsibility grows quite rapidly when a managerial position is acquired and I learned effective problem solving skills I have instilled in the core of my work ethic. Patience helps heated situations dissipate, stability allows for resolution, and compassion helps people move on.
  • Americorps Member
    Americorps Watershed Stewards Project Oct 15 - Aug 16 · 10 mos
    Heavy emphasis on Conservation Biology, Education, and Community Outreach at the Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains.
  • Bellman
    Pacific Terrace Hotel Jul 12 - Jul 15 · 3 yrs
    San Diego, California, United States
    I began as a dishwasher for the hotels Carribean Room breakfast buffet. I worked my way up to pool bartender to room service attendant and ultimately landed the job as a bellman/ valet attendant. At the Pacific Terrace there is only one bellman/valet per shift and I am the first face that the guest greets when arriving at the top 3 Trip Advisor rated hotel in San Diego. I earned the Employee of the Year award for 2014 due to my development of exceptional communication skills. Being available and flexible are essential elements of good team work since unexpected problems arise daily in all working environments.

Dylan Hofflander Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Dylan Hofflander

What company does Dylan Hofflander work for?

Dylan Hofflander works for Americorps Watershed Stewards Project

Which industry does Dylan Hofflander work in currently?

Dylan Hofflander works in the industry Farming.

What schools did Dylan Hofflander attend?

Dylan Hofflander attended University Of San Diego.

What are some of Dylan Hofflander's interests?

Dylan Hofflander has interest in Animal Welfare, Animal Welfare. and Environment.