Sumaiya Khan

Sumaiya Khan Email and Phone Number

Medical Observer @ Aga Khan University Hospital
karachi, sindh, pakistan

Sumaiya Khan's Current Company Details

Aga Khan University Hospital

Medical Observer
karachi, sindh, pakistan
Hospital & Health Care

Sumaiya Khan Work Experience

Sumaiya Khan Education

    Liaquat National Hospital And Medical College
    2018 - 2023
    Nixor College
    2015 - 2017

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sumaiya Khan

What company does Sumaiya Khan work for?

Sumaiya Khan works for Aga Khan University Hospital

What is Sumaiya Khan's role in his/her workplace?

Sumaiya Khan's role in his/her workplace is Medical Observer.

Which industry does Sumaiya Khan work in currently?

Sumaiya Khan works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What schools did Sumaiya Khan attend?

Sumaiya Khan attended Liaquat National Hospital And Medical College, Liaquat National Hospital And Medical College. and Nixor College.

Who are Sumaiya Khan's colleagues?

Sumaiya Khan's colleagues are Hafiz Sharif, Hafiz Sharif, Sarah Saleem, Sarah Saleem, Charlotte Whiting, Charlotte Whiting, Rafay Salman, Rafay Salman, Brenda Kerubo, Brenda Kerubo, and Faiza Baloch. and Muhammad Aslam.

Who are Sumaiya Khan's peers at other companies?

Sumaiya Khan's peers at other companies are Tracey Carroll, Mary Alvero, Radha Chavali, Yael Wartens, Lisa Gros, and Jackie Viterise. and Annie Lai. Sumaiya Khan's peers at other companies are Tracey Carroll, Mary Alvero, Radha Chavali, Yael Wartens, Lisa Gros, and Jackie Viterise. and Annie Lai.