Ali Raza

Ali Raza Email and Phone Number

Medical Services Executive @ Gsk
hayes, hillingdon, united kingdom

Ali Raza's Current Company Details


Medical Services Executive
hayes, hillingdon, united kingdom
Ali razaPharm.DAmbitious to work in a Multinational Pharmaceutical Firm in sales n marketting..

Ali Raza Work Experience

    Production Officer
    Wilshire Laboratories 2012 - 2012 ·
    Medical Services Executive
    Gsk Apr 14 - Present · 10 yrs 10 mos
    United Kingdom

Ali Raza Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ali Raza

What company does Ali Raza work for?

Ali Raza works for Gsk

What is Ali Raza's role in his/her workplace?

Ali Raza's role in his/her workplace is Medical Services Executive.

Which industry does Ali Raza work in currently?

Ali Raza works in the industry Pharmaceuticals.

What schools did Ali Raza attend?

Ali Raza attended The University Of Lahore.

Who are Ali Raza's colleagues?

Ali Raza's colleagues are Susan Georgekutty, Susan Georgekutty, Brian Rose, Brian Rose, Mike Harding, Mike Harding, Leif Wannerud, Leif Wannerud, Vicky Wood, Vicky Wood, and Lorenzo Baldi. and Xiaofeng Zhu.

Who are Ali Raza's peers at other companies?

Ali Raza's peers at other companies are Viet Hoang, Venkata Rambhala, Hilda Yani, Ketsaraporn Pattranukulkit, Monique Garcias-Lynch, and Cecile Dos Santos. and Dan Carpenter. Ali Raza's peers at other companies are Viet Hoang, Venkata Rambhala, Hilda Yani, Ketsaraporn Pattranukulkit, Monique Garcias-Lynch, and Cecile Dos Santos. and Dan Carpenter.