Donna Barnett

Donna Barnett Email and Phone Number

Community Support Worker @ The Huntercombe Group
newmarket, suffolk, united kingdom

Donna Barnett's Current Company Details

The Huntercombe Group

Community Support Worker
newmarket, suffolk, united kingdom
Hospital & Health Care

Donna Barnett Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Donna Barnett

What company does Donna Barnett work for?

Donna Barnett works for The Huntercombe Group

What is Donna Barnett's role in his/her workplace?

Donna Barnett's role in his/her workplace is Community Support Worker.

Which industry does Donna Barnett work in currently?

Donna Barnett works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

Who are Donna Barnett's colleagues?

Donna Barnett's colleagues are Lea Meisel, Lea Meisel, David Attoe, David Attoe, Sarah Cousins, Sarah Cousins, Amanda Uwa, Amanda Uwa, Diane Dolman, Diane Dolman, and Sharon Haney. and Marie Casey.

Who are Donna Barnett's peers at other companies?

Donna Barnett's peers at other companies are Natalie Ogaro, Rob Engtech, Tammy Moorefield, Gopakumar A, Niam Abeysiriwardena, and Martine Morel. and Simon Riahi. Donna Barnett's peers at other companies are Natalie Ogaro, Rob Engtech, Tammy Moorefield, Gopakumar A, Niam Abeysiriwardena, and Martine Morel. and Simon Riahi.