Domingos Godinho

Domingos Godinho Email and Phone Number

Consultant @ Oxfam
oxford, oxfordshire, united kingdom

Domingos Godinho's Current Company Details


oxford, oxfordshire, united kingdom
Non-Profit Organization Management

Domingos Godinho Work Experience

    Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

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Frequently Asked Questions about Domingos Godinho

What company does Domingos Godinho work for?

Domingos Godinho works for Oxfam

What is Domingos Godinho's role in his/her workplace?

Domingos Godinho's role in his/her workplace is Consultant.

Which industry does Domingos Godinho work in currently?

Domingos Godinho works in the industry Non-Profit Organization Management.

Who are Domingos Godinho's colleagues?

Domingos Godinho's colleagues are Francesca Radicioni, Francesca Radicioni, Dante Dalabajan, Dante Dalabajan, Atheel Mhd, Atheel Mhd, Abdel Brahim, Abdel Brahim, Luiza Leboucq, Luiza Leboucq, and Charurin P. and Nina Mweemba.

Who are Domingos Godinho's peers at other companies?

Domingos Godinho's peers at other companies are Ernande Pinho, Michelle Stearns, Jovonni Peeples, Ahmed Al-Mowsheki, Abdul Halim, and Marieke Philipsen. and Chukwuebuka Ogbonna. Domingos Godinho's peers at other companies are Ernande Pinho, Michelle Stearns, Jovonni Peeples, Ahmed Al-Mowsheki, Abdul Halim, and Marieke Philipsen. and Chukwuebuka Ogbonna.