Dolores Ott

Dolores Ott Email and Phone Number

Legal Administrative Assistant @ Greenberg Traurig, Llp
new york, new york, united states

Dolores Ott's Current Company Details

Greenberg Traurig, Llp

Legal Administrative Assistant
new york, new york, united states
Law Practice

Dolores Ott Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Dolores Ott

What company does Dolores Ott work for?

Dolores Ott works for Greenberg Traurig, Llp

What is Dolores Ott's role in his/her workplace?

Dolores Ott's role in his/her workplace is Legal Administrative Assistant.

Which industry does Dolores Ott work in currently?

Dolores Ott works in the industry Law Practice.

Who are Dolores Ott's colleagues?

Dolores Ott's colleagues are Laura Gable, Laura Gable, Christina Hietala, Christina Hietala, Rodolfo Leal, Rodolfo Leal, Charmaine Smith, Charmaine Smith, William Briendel, William Briendel, and Benjamin Babcock. and Alex Symons.

Who are Dolores Ott's peers at other companies?

Dolores Ott's peers at other companies are Patrick Schaffranka, Barbara Baldin, Sophie Barrett-Larn, Kellie Olson, Kathleen Brady, and Ken Bell. and Dena Hollingsworth. Dolores Ott's peers at other companies are Patrick Schaffranka, Barbara Baldin, Sophie Barrett-Larn, Kellie Olson, Kathleen Brady, and Ken Bell. and Dena Hollingsworth.