Dhiraj Ambadkar

Dhiraj Ambadkar Email and Phone Number

Autosar Software Lead @ Fev India Pvt Ltd

Dhiraj Ambadkar's Contact Details

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Dhiraj Ambadkar's Current Company Details


Fev India Pvt Ltd

Autosar Software Lead
I have experience on AUTOSAR BSW & ASW development, currently working on Model developement using MATLAB for ASW integrated application into vector stack (AUTOSAR). vector BSW Stack configuration of COM stack,DEM,DCM

Dhiraj Ambadkar Work Experience

  • johndeere.com
    Research And Development Egg
    Auto Electronic Jun 12 - Oct 13 · 1 yr 4 mos
    working on TCI &CDI of 2&3 wheeler vechical
  • johndeere.com
    Senior Embedded Developer
    John Deere India Pvt. Ltd. (Jdtci) Nov 16 - Apr 19 · 2 yrs 5 mos
    Project Details:--> AUTOSAR integrated Application component creation using Davinci Developer for Combine harvester features.--> MIL testing using model tester in MATLAB and ALLSIM, SIL using ALLSIM via VTT in AUTOSAR enviroment.--> ASW & BSW configuration using Davinci configurator (Runnable mapping, port mapping, CAN scaling, I/O mapping, NV sizing, DEM).--> Hardware debugging after component integration using green Hill debugger via CANApe.--> Integrated SIL of software using VTT via CANoe.--> Protocol used for communication CAN,J1939 Show less
  • johndeere.com
    Autosar Software Lead
    Fev India Pvt Ltd Nov 21 - Present · 3 yrs 3 mos
    * Responsible for BSW configuration * Communication & diagnostics stack configuration * BSWM configuration & sleep wake up algorithm. * Support to defining functional safety architecture for BSW feature. * Responsible for requirement gathering and technical support to debug issue on vehicle Testing. * Freezing software delivery contain & estimation of work. * Leading team of 8 people ASPICE development in area SWE1 to SWE3 topic for Battery management system
  • johndeere.com
    Embedded Engineer
    Chetas Control Feb 14 - Mar 15 · 1 yr 1 mo
    working for Ultrasonic flow meter
  • johndeere.com
    Software Engineer
    Bosch Engineering And Business Solutions Mar 15 - Oct 16 · 1 yr 7 mos
    Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
    working as Embedded Sr.Software developer in Hybrid power train (Vehicle device project)
  • johndeere.com
    Lead Software Engineer
    John Deere Apr 19 - Oct 21 · 2 yrs 6 mos
    Moline, Illinois, United States
    * Experience of handling sprint execution of team as a Scrum master role in agile process * Software Architect role to develop J1939/CAN communication architecture along with Combine harvester applications architecture using Vector tools like Preevision and Davinci Developer/Configurator * ECU integrator role to integrate Application SWCs into target ECU using DaVinci Configurator * Autosar workflow automation using groovy (Vector dvgroovy) scripting * Basic developement exposure to Perl, Python scripting * Software debugging using green hills debugging toolchain, Simulink/stateflow simulation enviroment, experienced in Model in Loop, Software in Loop testing.

Dhiraj Ambadkar Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Dhiraj Ambadkar

What company does Dhiraj Ambadkar work for?

Dhiraj Ambadkar works for Fev India Pvt Ltd

What is Dhiraj Ambadkar's role in his/her workplace?

Dhiraj Ambadkar's role in his/her workplace is Autosar Software Lead.

Which industry does Dhiraj Ambadkar work in currently?

Dhiraj Ambadkar works in the industry Automotive.

What is Dhiraj Ambadkar's email address?

Dhiraj Ambadkar's email address is ambadkardhiraj@yahoo.com

What schools did Dhiraj Ambadkar attend?

Dhiraj Ambadkar attended Chatrapati Sahuji Maharaj Kanpur University, Kanpur.

What is Dhiraj Ambadkar's role in his/her workplace?

Dhiraj Ambadkar has skills like Windows, Embedded Systems, C++, Operating Systems, Microcontrollers, Linux, Embedded C, Electronics, Embedded Software, Software Development, Debugging, Testing, and Real Time Operating Systems.

Who are Dhiraj Ambadkar's colleagues?

Dhiraj Ambadkar's colleagues are Shelly Grenier, Shelly Grenier, Sourabh Lahoti, Sourabh Lahoti, Ben Shoesmith, Ben Shoesmith, Rishi Dashora, Rishi Dashora, Vivek Gaikhe, Vivek Gaikhe, and Michael Elftman. and Laura Assoc.

Who are Dhiraj Ambadkar's peers at other companies?

Dhiraj Ambadkar's peers at other companies are Ilias Kaforos, Adapa Chand, Barry Dunn, David Simpson, Beom-Jae Kim, and Walter Jurgens. and Oshin Moras. Dhiraj Ambadkar's peers at other companies are Ilias Kaforos, Adapa Chand, Barry Dunn, David Simpson, Beom-Jae Kim, and Walter Jurgens. and Oshin Moras.