Dewiana Lee

Dewiana Lee Email and Phone Number

Inside Sales Coordinator @ Trelleborg Sealing Solutions
stuttgart, baden-wurttemberg, germany

Dewiana Lee's Current Company Details

Trelleborg Sealing Solutions

Inside Sales Coordinator
stuttgart, baden-wurttemberg, germany
Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering

Dewiana Lee Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Dewiana Lee

What company does Dewiana Lee work for?

Dewiana Lee works for Trelleborg Sealing Solutions

What is Dewiana Lee's role in his/her workplace?

Dewiana Lee's role in his/her workplace is Inside Sales Coordinator.

Which industry does Dewiana Lee work in currently?

Dewiana Lee works in the industry Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering.

Who are Dewiana Lee's colleagues?

Dewiana Lee's colleagues are Holger Jordan, Holger Jordan, Christian Kammersgaard, Christian Kammersgaard, Szymon Kudłacik, Szymon Kudłacik, Kristen Huezo, Kristen Huezo, Barb Romero, Barb Romero, and Gjon Gjoni. and Steve Bryan.

Who are Dewiana Lee's peers at other companies?

Dewiana Lee's peers at other companies are Gérard Giralt, Lalit Thorat, Fernando Lueje, Christina Cioppia, Julian Castaño, and Eder Huarcaya. and Firdaus Asa'adudin. Dewiana Lee's peers at other companies are Gérard Giralt, Lalit Thorat, Fernando Lueje, Christina Cioppia, Julian Castaño, and Eder Huarcaya. and Firdaus Asa'adudin.