Derek Gause

Derek Gause Email and Phone Number

Store Manager @ Tire Barn
kokomo, indiana, united states

Derek Gause's Contact Information

Derek Gause work email

Derek Gause phone numbers

Derek Gause's Current Company Details

Tire Barn

Store Manager
kokomo, indiana, united states

Derek Gause Work Experience

    Integrity Excavation Jul 02 - May 05 · 2 yrs 10 mos
    Store Manager
    Tire Barn Oct 11 - Present · 13 yrs 3 mos
    Kokomo, Indiana, United States

Derek Gause Education

    Lincoln Technical Institute
    Noblesville High School
    1998 - 2002
    Lincoln Technical Institute
    2006 - 2007

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Frequently Asked Questions about Derek Gause

What company does Derek Gause work for?

Derek Gause works for Tire Barn

What is Derek Gause's role in his/her workplace?

Derek Gause's role in his/her workplace is Store Manager.

Which industry does Derek Gause work in currently?

Derek Gause works in the industry Automotive.

What is Derek Gause's email address?

Derek Gause's email address is

What is Derek Gause's direct phone number?

Derek Gause's direct phone number is +13172897525

What schools did Derek Gause attend?

Derek Gause attended Lincoln Technical Institute, Lincoln Technical Institute. Noblesville High School, Noblesville High School. and Lincoln Technical Institute.

Who are Derek Gause's colleagues?

Derek Gause's colleagues are John Downing, John Downing, Justin Dampier, Justin Dampier, Bradley Murphy, Bradley Murphy, John Houske, John Houske, Bryce Shaneyfelt, Bryce Shaneyfelt, and Kandi Mullins. and Shomari Chatman.

Who are Derek Gause's peers at other companies?

Derek Gause's peers at other companies are Jocelyne Duvoisin, Jan Hauser, Bhushan Shelar, Salih Vojvodic, Francisco Vulliez, and Ian Curnock. and Bront Dimech. Derek Gause's peers at other companies are Jocelyne Duvoisin, Jan Hauser, Bhushan Shelar, Salih Vojvodic, Francisco Vulliez, and Ian Curnock. and Bront Dimech.