Dennis Miller

Dennis Miller Email and Phone Number

london, ohio, united states

Dennis Miller's Contact Information

Dennis Miller work email

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Dennis Miller's Current Company Details

3D Enterprises, Inc

london, ohio, united states
Computer Networking
Served over 22 year in the USAF. Trained in advanced electronic technology. Worked on and managed complete suite of weather electronics including advanced radar and all associated airfield equipment. Also worked on and managed a worldwide network of solar optical and radio telescopes as well as ionospheric monitoring systems. Acted as the military liaison to the Logistics depot for the majority of electronic equipment in the USAF. Worked in the following positions at Fujitsu Network Communications(FNC): Technical Writer, Senior Technical Writer, Manager Technical Publications, Senior Manager Technical Publications. Also represented FNC for Bellcore/Telcordia standards bodies. Designed and built three separate Labs for Fiber Optic Equipment. Performed as leader of team for equipment compliance testing. Manged the Product Change Notification process for FNC which included representing FNC in the Standards Body. Self employed in mobile retail sales in several states. Also, retail sales via website

Dennis Miller Work Experience

    Senior Manager Tech Pubs
    Fujitsu Network Communications 1989 - 2002 · 13 yrs
    Richardson, Texas, United States
    3D Enterprises, Inc 2002 - Present · 23 yrs
    London, Ohio, United States
    Retailing high quality US made products and services. Products are available at trade shows and on-line at and

Dennis Miller Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Dennis Miller

What company does Dennis Miller work for?

Dennis Miller works for 3d Enterprises, Inc

What is Dennis Miller's role in his/her workplace?

Dennis Miller's role in his/her workplace is Owner.

Which industry does Dennis Miller work in currently?

Dennis Miller works in the industry Computer Networking.

What is Dennis Miller's email address?

Dennis Miller's email address is

What schools did Dennis Miller attend?

Dennis Miller attended Community College Of The Air Force.

Who are Dennis Miller's colleagues?

Dennis Miller's colleagues are Terri Lyons, Terri Lyons, Markus Noeske, Markus Noeske, Isaiah Wiggins, Isaiah Wiggins, Denise Bigsby, Denise Bigsby, Roopesh Dwivedi, Roopesh Dwivedi, and David Drago. and Renee Demers.

Who are Dennis Miller's peers at other companies?

Dennis Miller's peers at other companies are Karl Unarce, Imen Gueich, Hitesh Kaushik, Barry Simmons, Sachin Patil, and Tor Braham. and Aravind Krishnan. Dennis Miller's peers at other companies are Karl Unarce, Imen Gueich, Hitesh Kaushik, Barry Simmons, Sachin Patil, and Tor Braham. and Aravind Krishnan.