Denise Ferreira  Souza

Denise Ferreira Souza Email and Phone Number

Conciliadora Voluntária @ Juizado Especial Cível

Denise Ferreira Souza's Current Company Details

Juizado Especial Cível

Conciliadora Voluntária
Government Administration

Denise Ferreira Souza Work Experience

Denise Ferreira Souza Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Denise Ferreira Souza

What company does Denise Ferreira Souza work for?

Denise Ferreira Souza works for Juizado Especial Cível

What is Denise Ferreira Souza's role in his/her workplace?

Denise Ferreira Souza's role in his/her workplace is Conciliadora Voluntária.

Which industry does Denise Ferreira Souza work in currently?

Denise Ferreira Souza works in the industry Government Administration.

What schools did Denise Ferreira Souza attend?

Denise Ferreira Souza attended Pontifícia Universidade Católica De Minas Gerais, Pontifícia Universidade Católica De Minas Gerais. and Centro Universitário Newton Paiva.

Who are Denise Ferreira Souza's peers at other companies?

Denise Ferreira Souza's peers at other companies are Tiesha Washington, Marc Brouwer, Mohammed Alblooshi, Johanna Viberg, John Bilodeau, and Edvard Ottoson. and Nancy Zebny. Denise Ferreira Souza's peers at other companies are Tiesha Washington, Marc Brouwer, Mohammed Alblooshi, Johanna Viberg, John Bilodeau, and Edvard Ottoson. and Nancy Zebny.