Den Samaon

Den Samaon Email and Phone Number

Researcher @ Mimos Berhad

Den Samaon's Current Company Details

Mimos Berhad


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Frequently Asked Questions about Den Samaon

What company does Den Samaon work for?

Den Samaon works for Mimos Berhad

What is Den Samaon's role in his/her workplace?

Den Samaon's role in his/her workplace is Researcher.

Which industry does Den Samaon work in currently?

Den Samaon works in the industry Research.

Who are Den Samaon's colleagues?

Den Samaon's colleagues are Rafidah Idris, Rafidah Idris, David Chyi, David Chyi, Mira Nazir, Mira Nazir, Afiq Manaf, Afiq Manaf, Guanhuai Ng, Guanhuai Ng, and Fathiyah A.r. and Sathesh Kumar.

Who are Den Samaon's peers at other companies?

Den Samaon's peers at other companies are Saskia De Craen, Julia Lettmann, Ana Ramos, Florestan Desmaris, Syed Ali, and Albert Casanova. and Aurore Bournigault-Nuquet. Den Samaon's peers at other companies are Saskia De Craen, Julia Lettmann, Ana Ramos, Florestan Desmaris, Syed Ali, and Albert Casanova. and Aurore Bournigault-Nuquet.