Deepu Bhaskar

Deepu Bhaskar Email and Phone Number

Chief Engineer @ Anglo Eastern
hong kong, central and western district, hong kong

Deepu Bhaskar's Current Company Details

Anglo Eastern

Chief Engineer
hong kong, central and western district, hong kong

Deepu Bhaskar Work Experience

    Chief Engineer
    Anglo Eastern ['2006-01-01', 'Present']
    Hong Kong, Central And Western, Hong Kong

Deepu Bhaskar Education

    M T Seminary High School, Kottayam
    The Indian Engineering College
    1992 - 1996
    The Indian Engg College

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Frequently Asked Questions about Deepu Bhaskar

What company does Deepu Bhaskar work for?

Deepu Bhaskar works for Anglo Eastern

What is Deepu Bhaskar's role in his/her workplace?

Deepu Bhaskar's role in his/her workplace is Chief Engineer.

Which industry does Deepu Bhaskar work in currently?

Deepu Bhaskar works in the industry Maritime.

What schools did Deepu Bhaskar attend?

Deepu Bhaskar attended M T Seminary High School, Kottayam, M T Seminary High School, Kottayam. The Indian Engineering College, The Indian Engineering College. and The Indian Engg College.

Who are Deepu Bhaskar's colleagues?

Deepu Bhaskar's colleagues are Dmytro Kaverzin, Dmytro Kaverzin, Nandakumar Selvaraj, Nandakumar Selvaraj, Daryai Lal, Daryai Lal, Pardeep Yadav, Pardeep Yadav, Dhiren Attreye, Dhiren Attreye, and Subrata Maitra. and Rajender Singh.

Who are Deepu Bhaskar's peers at other companies?

Deepu Bhaskar's peers at other companies are Umesh Fernando, Hasmukh Chhaganbhai, Steve Hackbarth, Randy Ocasla, Valdemar Brasil, and Anthony Dason. and Par Ekstrom. Deepu Bhaskar's peers at other companies are Umesh Fernando, Hasmukh Chhaganbhai, Steve Hackbarth, Randy Ocasla, Valdemar Brasil, and Anthony Dason. and Par Ekstrom.