Debbie Simmons

Debbie Simmons Email and Phone Number

london, greater london, united kingdom

Debbie Simmons's Contact Details

Debbie Simmons work email

Debbie Simmons personal email


Debbie Simmons phone numbers

Debbie Simmons's Current Company Details

Insights By Kantar

london, greater london, united kingdom
Market Research

Debbie Simmons Work Experience

    Research Manager
    Heublein 1982 - 1998 · 16 yrs
    Berlin, Berlin, Germany
    Numerous Positions
    Idv Na Diageo 1982 - 1998 · 16 yrs
    Vice President
    Insights By Kantar Sep 98 - Sep 02 · 4 yrs
    London, England, United Kingdom
    Associate Director
    The Hartford End date missing
    Hartford, Connecticut, United States
    With more than 200 years of expertise, The Hartford is a leader in property and casualty insurance, group benefits and mutual funds. The company is widely recognized for its service excellence, sustainability practices, trust and integrity. More information on the company and its financial performance is available at more about recognition The Hartford and its employees have received:

Debbie Simmons Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Debbie Simmons

What company does Debbie Simmons work for?

Debbie Simmons works for Insights By Kantar

Which industry does Debbie Simmons work in currently?

Debbie Simmons works in the industry Market Research.

What is Debbie Simmons's email address?

Debbie Simmons's email address is

What is Debbie Simmons's direct phone number?

Debbie Simmons's direct phone number is +12038460157

What schools did Debbie Simmons attend?

Debbie Simmons attended University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill, University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill. and Fairleigh Dickinson University.

What is Debbie Simmons's role in his workplace?

Debbie Simmons has skills like Strategy, Segmentation, Marketing Research, Customer Insight, Brand Management, and Analytics.

Who are Debbie Simmons's colleagues?

Debbie Simmons's colleagues are Paola De Antoni, Paola De Antoni, Maria Planas, Maria Planas, Michael Schroeder, Michael Schroeder, Polly Chagnon, Polly Chagnon, Darshana Gawli, Darshana Gawli, and Janille Fernandez. and Flor Ramírez.

Who are Debbie Simmons's peers at other companies?

Debbie Simmons's peers at other companies are Usman Ali, Romain Girard, Cristina Cordoba, Benjamin Saulnier, Jennie Lewis, and Alyssa Pambid. and Moammar Alhuraki. Debbie Simmons's peers at other companies are Usman Ali, Romain Girard, Cristina Cordoba, Benjamin Saulnier, Jennie Lewis, and Alyssa Pambid. and Moammar Alhuraki.