David Tharp

David Tharp Email and Phone Number

massillon, ohio, united states

David Tharp's Contact Details

David Tharp work email

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David Tharp's Current Company Details


Magnetech Industrial Services, Inc.

General Manager
massillon, ohio, united states
Electrical/electronic Manufacturing

David Tharp Work Experience

  • magnetech.com
    General Manager
    Massillon, Ohio, United States
  • magnetech.com
    Manager Field And Transformer Services
    Massillon, Ohio, United States
    Magnetech is an ISO-quality provider of electrical-mechanical industrial services, including testing, repair, rewind and refurbishment of ac/dc motors and generators, transformers, turbines, circuit breakers and switchgear, fans, overhead cranes.Leading provider of repair and rewind services for locomotive primary and auxiliary generators, alternators, and fan motors to class 1, shortline and regional railroads. AAR M-1003 certified.Magnetech brand electromagnetic lifting magnets and DC generators. Repair and rewind of all magnet brands.

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Frequently Asked Questions about David Tharp

What company does David Tharp work for?

David Tharp works for Magnetech Industrial Services, Inc.

What is David Tharp's role in his/her workplace?

David Tharp's role in his/her workplace is General Manager.

Which industry does David Tharp work in currently?

David Tharp works in the industry Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing.

What is David Tharp's email address?

David Tharp's email address is dtharp@magnetech.com

What is David Tharp's direct phone number?

David Tharp's direct phone number is +13308303500

What is David Tharp's role in his workplace?

David Tharp has skills like Contract Negotiation, Power Distribution, Renewable Energy, Transformer, Energy, Product Development, and Manufacturing.

Who are David Tharp's colleagues?

David Tharp's colleagues are Keith Blankenship, Keith Blankenship, Josh Karastury, Josh Karastury, Lawrence Wallace, Lawrence Wallace, Kristina Loftis, Kristina Loftis, Jeff Lemke, Jeff Lemke, and Chris Stringfellow. and Park Welker.

Who are David Tharp's peers at other companies?

David Tharp's peers at other companies are Stevie Murdie, Daniel Castro, Jitesh Sahu, Aarón Pérez, Brett Hauke, and Dave Demarco. and Blake Brill. David Tharp's peers at other companies are Stevie Murdie, Daniel Castro, Jitesh Sahu, Aarón Pérez, Brett Hauke, and Dave Demarco. and Blake Brill.