David Jones

David Jones Email and Phone Number

Server @ Cara Operations
vaughan, ontario, canada

David Jones's Contact Information

David Jones personal email


David Jones's Current Company Details


Cara Operations

vaughan, ontario, canada
Food & Beverages
Server at Cara Operations

David Jones Work Experience

  • cara.com
    Cara Operations Sep 98 - Present · 26 yrs 4 mos
    Vaughan, Ontario, Canada
    * Cara is Canada's most historic and largest full service restaurant company. We own many of Canada's favourite restaurants like Swiss Chalet, East Side Mario's, Milestones, Casey's, Bier Markt, Kelsey's, Fionn MacCool's, Montana's and Harvey's.At Cara, your development is a priority. Few companies are more committed to creating opportunities for upward mobility than Cara, not only across all our restaurant brands, but across the country. We know that to attract, grow and keep the best people in the hospitality industry, we have to provide three key elements: * A special culture * Opportunity for advancement * Competitive rewards We offer world class training through Cara University and a commitment to continuous development throughout your career. We believe in a strong "grow from within" culture. With over 840 locations and a presence in every province, you can start anywhere and build your career within five of Canada's favourite restaurant brands.

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Frequently Asked Questions about David Jones

What company does David Jones work for?

David Jones works for Cara Operations

What is David Jones's role in his/her workplace?

David Jones's role in his/her workplace is Server.

Which industry does David Jones work in currently?

David Jones works in the industry Food & Beverages.

What is David Jones's email address?

David Jones's email address is zork@rogers.com

Who are David Jones's colleagues?

David Jones's colleagues are Myrna Hernandez, Myrna Hernandez, Ian Dingle, Ian Dingle, Jenny Flores, Jenny Flores, Sanjay Verma, Sanjay Verma, Ashli Penney, Ashli Penney, and Nio Rose. and Brandon Nicholas.

Who are David Jones's peers at other companies?

David Jones's peers at other companies are Kathy Marble, Muhamad Kareem, Sharon Cook, Stan Malinowsky, Gustavo Cuenca, and Courtney Fentiman. and Dejan Bojanić. David Jones's peers at other companies are Kathy Marble, Muhamad Kareem, Sharon Cook, Stan Malinowsky, Gustavo Cuenca, and Courtney Fentiman. and Dejan Bojanić.