Dasril Sikumbang

Dasril Sikumbang Email and Phone Number

cipayung, jakarta, indonesia

Dasril Sikumbang's Current Company Details


Pt Bravo Sembilan Satu Satu

cipayung, jakarta, indonesia
Human Resources

Dasril Sikumbang Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Dasril Sikumbang

What company does Dasril Sikumbang work for?

Dasril Sikumbang works for Pt Bravo Sembilan Satu Satu

What is Dasril Sikumbang's role in his/her workplace?

Dasril Sikumbang's role in his/her workplace is Driver.

Which industry does Dasril Sikumbang work in currently?

Dasril Sikumbang works in the industry Human Resources.

Who are Dasril Sikumbang's colleagues?

Dasril Sikumbang's colleagues are Doli Siregar, Doli Siregar, Rudy Handoy, Rudy Handoy, Sarino Rino, Sarino Rino, Alfon Marulitua, Alfon Marulitua, Luanadaeng Oktavia, Luanadaeng Oktavia, and Luana Satazif. and Isna Eni.

Who are Dasril Sikumbang's peers at other companies?

Dasril Sikumbang's peers at other companies are Gabisile Gwebu, Robert Arrese, Nana Romano, Cherie Popaly, Daniel Sheining, and Lara Silva. and Paula Ritcey. Dasril Sikumbang's peers at other companies are Gabisile Gwebu, Robert Arrese, Nana Romano, Cherie Popaly, Daniel Sheining, and Lara Silva. and Paula Ritcey.