Dan Thompson

Dan Thompson Email and Phone Number

Owner And Managing Director @ V3 Advertising
pasadena, california, united states

Dan Thompson's Contact Information

Dan Thompson personal email


Dan Thompson phone numbers

Dan Thompson's Current Company Details


V3 Advertising

Owner And Managing Director
pasadena, california, united states
Marketing And Advertising
Experienced and accomplished Sales Manager with well-proven and awarded success in the building, training and managing of direct sales teams whose responsibility include raising brand awareness and the increasing of customer bases for various clients. Possesses and executes significant knowledge in business development, marketing/promotional strategies, direct sales management and team building. Operates with a strong sense of urgency and thrives in a fast-paced work environment. Core skills include: Management—Marketing—Sales—Training—Fundraising—Public Speaking—Business Development—Strategic Planning—Product Launch/Marketing—Leadership Meetings

Dan Thompson Work Experience

  • v3advertising.com
    Blackcode Advertising End date missing
    Brighton, Brighton And Hove, United Kingdom
    Consults owners promoted through Blackcode Advertising. Began business in 2009, responsibilities included directing a sales force of nearly 50 and a team of administrators. Expanded company to the USA in 2013. Presently, continues to maintain and consult owners who run successful offices across the United Kingdom.
  • v3advertising.com
    Owner And Managing Director
    V3 Advertising Sep 13 - Present · 11 yrs 4 mos
    Pasadena, California, United States

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Frequently Asked Questions about Dan Thompson

What company does Dan Thompson work for?

Dan Thompson works for V3 Advertising

What is Dan Thompson's role in his/her workplace?

Dan Thompson's role in his/her workplace is Owner And Managing Director.

Which industry does Dan Thompson work in currently?

Dan Thompson works in the industry Marketing And Advertising.

What is Dan Thompson's email address?

Dan Thompson's email address is dan@blackcodeadv.co.uk

What is Dan Thompson's direct phone number?

Dan Thompson's direct phone number is +16265834719

Who are Dan Thompson's colleagues?

Dan Thompson's colleagues are Brian Evans, Brian Evans, Teralyn Shields, Teralyn Shields, David Simpson, David Simpson, and Michael Ryan. and Gloria Palacios.

Who are Dan Thompson's peers at other companies?

Dan Thompson's peers at other companies are Galia Lahav, Kijou Morris, Osmanis Pino, Maria Delgado, Kim Swope, and Steven James. and Sandra Ruhman. Dan Thompson's peers at other companies are Galia Lahav, Kijou Morris, Osmanis Pino, Maria Delgado, Kim Swope, and Steven James. and Sandra Ruhman.