Danell Scronce

Danell Scronce Email and Phone Number

Security Officer @ Nevada Gold Mines
elko, nevada, united states

Danell Scronce's Contact Details

Danell Scronce work email

Danell Scronce personal email


Danell Scronce's Current Company Details


Nevada Gold Mines

Security Officer
elko, nevada, united states
Mining & Metals

Danell Scronce Work Experience

  • nevadagoldmines.com
    Security Officer
    Newmont Corporation Apr 17 - Dec 19 · 2 yrs 8 mos
    Denver, Colorado, United States
    * Secures premises and Personnel by patrolling, monitoring surveillance equipment, inspecting buildings, equipment, access points, permitting entry. * Prevents losses and damages by reporting irregularities and informing violators of policy and procedure. * Controls traffic by directing drivers * Completes reports by recording observations, information occurrences and surveillance activities. * Dispatch first responders to emergencies on mine sites.
  • nevadagoldmines.com
    Child Support Officer
    Carson City, Nevada, United States
  • nevadagoldmines.com
    Administrative Assistant
    Public Safety, Nevada Department Of Apr 14 - Jan 15 · 9 mos
    Carson City, Nevada, United States
    * Answer Routine incoming calls transfer to appropriate office. * Provide Customer service at the reception desk. * Daily Court Runs. * Daily processing of offender money orders. * File all monthly Paperwork for Offenders.
  • nevadagoldmines.com
    Security Officer
    Nevada Gold Mines Dec 19 - Present · 5 yrs 2 mos
    Elko, Nevada, United States
    * Secures premises and Personnel by patrolling, monitoring surveillance equipment, inspecting buildings, equipment, access points, permitting entry. * Prevents losses and damages by reporting irregularities and informing violators of policy and procedure. * Controls traffic by directing drivers * Completes reports by recording observations, information occurrences and surveillance activities. * Dispatch first responders to emergencies on mine sites.

Danell Scronce Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Danell Scronce

What company does Danell Scronce work for?

Danell Scronce works for Nevada Gold Mines

What is Danell Scronce's role in his/her workplace?

Danell Scronce's role in his/her workplace is Security Officer.

Which industry does Danell Scronce work in currently?

Danell Scronce works in the industry Mining & Metals.

What is Danell Scronce's email address?

Danell Scronce's email address is danell.scronce@nevadagoldmines.com

What schools did Danell Scronce attend?

Danell Scronce attended Arizona State University, Arizona State University. and Washington State University.

Who are Danell Scronce's colleagues?

Danell Scronce's colleagues are Elijah Twitchell, Elijah Twitchell, Lynda Brown, Lynda Brown, Michael Kalvelage, Michael Kalvelage, Jonathan Crilly, Jonathan Crilly, Kinzi Volk, Kinzi Volk, and Paul Middleton. and Delhie B.

Who are Danell Scronce's peers at other companies?

Danell Scronce's peers at other companies are Johan Schellings, Vanessa Marsh, Pedro Varas, Ernane Flores, Michael Hugenberg, and Roman Buczynski. and Felix Thindwa. Danell Scronce's peers at other companies are Johan Schellings, Vanessa Marsh, Pedro Varas, Ernane Flores, Michael Hugenberg, and Roman Buczynski. and Felix Thindwa.