Dana Lang

Dana Lang Email and Phone Number

Dream Manager @ Sioux Steel Company
sioux falls, south dakota, united states

Dana Lang's Contact Details

Dana Lang work email

Dana Lang personal email

Dana Lang's Current Company Details


Sioux Steel Company

Dream Manager
sioux falls, south dakota, united states

Dana Lang Work Experience

  • siouxsteel.com
    Club President
    Toastmasters International Jul 14 - Jun 15 · 11 mos
    Englewood, Colorado, United States
    Through receiving skilled mentorship from brilliant communicators, I was able to be stretched to hone my speaking skills and attain speaking awards throughout my 5 year tenure with Toastmasters. Was awarded the ACB and CL designations.
  • siouxsteel.com
    Homeschool Educator
    Lang Household Sep 99 - May 15 · 15 yrs 8 mos
    I had the extreme pleasure of homeschooling our two children all the way through high school. We did individual schooling, small group independent schooling, and co-op schooling in order to meet the educational needs of our children.
  • siouxsteel.com
    Elementary School Teacher
    North Platte Public School First Baptist Christian School Tiospa Zina Tribal School Aug 85 - May 95 · 9 yrs 9 mos
    Taught Elementary school in a private tribal school, a private Christian school and a public school.
  • siouxsteel.com
    Women S Retreat Speaker
    Christian End date missing
    “We explore together through scripture, storytelling, laughter, prayer, and silence what it means to have hope in Christ alone.”
  • siouxsteel.com
    Student Loan Collector
    Wells Fargo Sep 08 - Aug 15 · 6 yrs 11 mos
    San Francisco, California, United States
    I was an ambassador for Christ and Wells Fargo as I collected payments from those that were paying their student loans. I believe that you can be a blessing or a curse in about any job you have. I chose to be a blessing even as a bill collector.
  • siouxsteel.com
    Dream Manager
    Sioux Steel Company Sep 15 - Present · 9 yrs 5 mos
    Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States
    I walk side by side with team members as they identify and realize their dreams.
  • siouxsteel.com
    Wellness Coordinator
    Sioux Steel Company End date missing
    Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States

Dana Lang Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Dana Lang

What company does Dana Lang work for?

Dana Lang works for Sioux Steel Company

What is Dana Lang's role in his/her workplace?

Dana Lang's role in his/her workplace is Dream Manager.

Which industry does Dana Lang work in currently?

Dana Lang works in the industry Farming.

What is Dana Lang's email address?

Dana Lang's email address is danaleelang@hotmail.com

What schools did Dana Lang attend?

Dana Lang attended Chadron Senior High School, Chadron Senior High School. University Of Sioux Falls, University Of Sioux Falls. and Sioux Falls College.

What is Dana Lang's role in his workplace?

Dana Lang has skills like Leadership, Bible Teaching, Teaching, Team Building, Public Speaking, Mentoring, Training, Small Group, and Storytelling.

Who are Dana Lang's colleagues?

Dana Lang's colleagues are Evy Schneider, Evy Schneider, Terry Pospisil, Terry Pospisil, Ryan Devos, Ryan Devos, Alex Krugliak, Alex Krugliak, Francisco Lopez, Francisco Lopez, and Kathy Knutson. and Chad Holm.

Who are Dana Lang's peers at other companies?

Dana Lang's peers at other companies are Mike Strand, Leticia Junqueira, E Karen Distad Bi, Erbert Tangerino, Annick Sattler, and Nathalia Montemor. and Gökçe Alan. Dana Lang's peers at other companies are Mike Strand, Leticia Junqueira, E Karen Distad Bi, Erbert Tangerino, Annick Sattler, and Nathalia Montemor. and Gökçe Alan.