Cynthia Velasco

Cynthia Velasco Email and Phone Number

rockville, maryland, united states

Cynthia Velasco's Current Company Details

Vivabox, A Division Of Sodexo Group

Project Manager
rockville, maryland, united states
Consumer Services

Cynthia Velasco Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Cynthia Velasco

What company does Cynthia Velasco work for?

Cynthia Velasco works for Vivabox, A Division Of Sodexo Group

What is Cynthia Velasco's role in his/her workplace?

Cynthia Velasco's role in his/her workplace is Project Manager.

Which industry does Cynthia Velasco work in currently?

Cynthia Velasco works in the industry Consumer Services.

Who are Cynthia Velasco's colleagues?

Cynthia Velasco's colleagues are Michelle Richardson, Michelle Richardson, Christina Davis, Christina Davis, Wendy Pinchock, Wendy Pinchock, Minerva Bediako, Minerva Bediako, Catherine Acosta, Catherine Acosta, and Kerri Chisena. and Jon Dean.

Who are Cynthia Velasco's peers at other companies?

Cynthia Velasco's peers at other companies are Susan Harrison, Zeynep Yılmaz, Mariana De Leon, Judy Lan, Alexandr Topyryk, and Samuel Welch. and James Young. Cynthia Velasco's peers at other companies are Susan Harrison, Zeynep Yılmaz, Mariana De Leon, Judy Lan, Alexandr Topyryk, and Samuel Welch. and James Young.