Cynthia Rose

Cynthia Rose Email and Phone Number

Web Application Team Lead @ Accenture
dublin, dublin, ireland

Cynthia Rose's Current Company Details


Web Application Team Lead
dublin, dublin, ireland
Information Technology And Services
A front end UI developer with expertise in HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and jQuery. Thorough experience in content management system-Adobe CQ5.

Cynthia Rose Work Experience

    Web Application Team Lead
    Accenture Mar 22 - Present · 2 yrs 11 mos
    Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
    Technology Analyst
    Infosys Jun 11 - Apr 16 · 4 yrs 10 mos
    Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
    * Worked on UI development(desktops and mobile) and functional requirement. * Played the role as Deployment Anchor * Communicating with the onsite team for requirement and changes for the application * Was involved in finding the bugs and fixing them * Reviewing code, checking for code standards.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Cynthia Rose

What company does Cynthia Rose work for?

Cynthia Rose works for Accenture

What is Cynthia Rose's role in his/her workplace?

Cynthia Rose's role in his/her workplace is Web Application Team Lead.

Which industry does Cynthia Rose work in currently?

Cynthia Rose works in the industry Information Technology And Services.

What are some of Cynthia Rose's interests?

Cynthia Rose has interests in Children, Children. Education, Education. Environment, Environment. Poverty Alleviation, Poverty Alleviation. Science And Technology, Science And Technology. and Arts And Culture.

Who are Cynthia Rose's colleagues?

Cynthia Rose's colleagues are Knowell Añes, Knowell Añes, Nilo Luansing, Nilo Luansing, Ray Carby, Ray Carby, Gayatri Suryanarayanan, Gayatri Suryanarayanan, Ohnishi Hidekatsu, Ohnishi Hidekatsu, and Thunga Saritha. and Anupam Aditya.

Who are Cynthia Rose's peers at other companies?

Cynthia Rose's peers at other companies are Stephane Kamdoum, Ausra Zubkiene, Kanimozhi Kumar, Ramesh Patil, Sadaqat Khan, and Michał Wołodkowicz. and Megumi Taniguchi. Cynthia Rose's peers at other companies are Stephane Kamdoum, Ausra Zubkiene, Kanimozhi Kumar, Ramesh Patil, Sadaqat Khan, and Michał Wołodkowicz. and Megumi Taniguchi.