Curtis Fletcher

Curtis Fletcher Email and Phone Number

Freelance Strategist, Communications Guru, Itinerant Chief Technology Officer @ Serene Corporation
naperville, illinois, united states

Curtis Fletcher's Contact Information

Curtis Fletcher's Current Company Details

Serene Corporation

Freelance Strategist, Communications Guru, Itinerant Chief Technology Officer
naperville, illinois, united states
Information Technology And Services
* Close to 20 years experience in designing, developing, and implementing business solutions for companies ranging from SME to Fortune 100. * Proven success at designing, and managing customer advocacy programs. * Proven success at designing differentiating customer experiences. * Proven track record of developing internal processes designed to streamline information flow between disparate organizations. * Proven ability to successfully create, motivate and lead teams to deliver on corporate goals and objectives. * Proven track record at developing and implementing national and international training programs. Specialties: Creative solution provider who combines the science of technology and with the art of game changing customer experience.

Curtis Fletcher Work Experience

    Principal Product Manager
    Oracle Oct 06 - Jun 08 · 1 yr 8 mos
    Austin, Texas, United States
    * My responsibilities included: * Product line management * Interfacing with customers and creating a set of advocacy processes * Delivering customer desired funaciontlaity
    Customer Advocate
    Artemis International Aug 03 - Aug 06 · 3 yrs
    Austin, Texas, United States
    * My responsibilities included: * Creating customer advocacy across seven countries internationally * Managing relationships with customers responsible for the top 80% of revenue * Representing the customer voice into product operations
    Chief Technology Officer And Vice President Of Strategy
    Supplyaccess 2001 - 2002 · 1 yr
    Provided overall product direction and marketing strategy for a SAAS based content management solution. In a turn around role delivered the companies first two profitable quarters.
    Director Ecommerce Marketing
    Staples Australia/New Zealand 1998 - 2001 · 3 yrs
    Solution Architect
    Apex It End date missing
    Cottage Grove, Minnesota, United States
    Director Of Operations, Marketing
    Compassion International Jun 08 - Jan 12 · 3 yrs 7 mos
    Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States
    * My responsibilities included: * Designing and delivering marketing campaigns * Interfacing with IT to ensure proper functional availability * Organizational design and process improvement
    Senior Principal Consultant
    Serene Corporation Aug 15 - Feb 18 · 2 yrs 6 mos
    Naperville, Illinois, United States
    Senior Manager
    Hitachi Consulting Jan 12 - Aug 15 · 3 yrs 7 mos
    Dallas, Texas, United States
    * Responsible for: * Customer Experience thought leadership * Journey Mapping competency development * CRM sales and service implementation and business process design * Go to market strategies

Curtis Fletcher Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Curtis Fletcher

What company does Curtis Fletcher work for?

Curtis Fletcher works for Serene Corporation

What is Curtis Fletcher's role in his/her workplace?

Curtis Fletcher's role in his/her workplace is Freelance Strategist, Communications Guru, Itinerant Chief Technology Officer.

Which industry does Curtis Fletcher work in currently?

Curtis Fletcher works in the industry Information Technology And Services.

What is Curtis Fletcher's email address?

Curtis Fletcher's email address is

What is Curtis Fletcher's direct phone number?

Curtis Fletcher's direct phone number is +17203186589

What schools did Curtis Fletcher attend?

Curtis Fletcher attended Regis University, Regis University. Sunnyvale High School, Sunnyvale High School. and Santa Clara University.

What are some of Curtis Fletcher's interests?

Curtis Fletcher has interests in Collecting Antiques, Collecting Antiques. Exercise, Exercise. Home Improvement, Home Improvement. Shooting, Shooting. Reading, Reading. Gourmet Cooking, Gourmet Cooking. Sports, Sports. The Arts, The Arts. Home Decoration, Home Decoration. Photograph, Photograph. Cooking, Cooking. Electronics, Electronics. Outdoors, Outdoors. Crafts, Crafts. Music, Music. Dogs, Dogs. Movies, Movies. Collecting, Collecting. Kids, Kids. Travel, Travel. Boating, Boating. and Investing.

Who are Curtis Fletcher's colleagues?

Curtis Fletcher's colleagues are Nagesh Reddy, Nagesh Reddy, Mahesh Pawar, Mahesh Pawar, Dave Wardle, Dave Wardle, Naresh Akula, Naresh Akula, Gaurav Varute, Gaurav Varute, and Narendra Ellanti. and Preeti Chhabra.

Who are Curtis Fletcher's peers at other companies?

Curtis Fletcher's peers at other companies are Joanne Chung, Björkvall Yngve, Anwar Yusuf, Jyrki Martti, Kristian Petersen, and Dinesh Nt. and Olivia Hutt. Curtis Fletcher's peers at other companies are Joanne Chung, Björkvall Yngve, Anwar Yusuf, Jyrki Martti, Kristian Petersen, and Dinesh Nt. and Olivia Hutt.