Cleberson Penha

Cleberson Penha Email and Phone Number

Ajudante De Produção 2 @ Klabin S.a.

Cleberson Penha's Current Company Details

Klabin S.A.

Ajudante De Produção 2
Paper & Forest Products

Cleberson Penha Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Cleberson Penha

What company does Cleberson Penha work for?

Cleberson Penha works for Klabin S.a.

What is Cleberson Penha's role in his/her workplace?

Cleberson Penha's role in his/her workplace is Ajudante De Produção 2.

Which industry does Cleberson Penha work in currently?

Cleberson Penha works in the industry Paper & Forest Products.

Who are Cleberson Penha's colleagues?

Cleberson Penha's colleagues are Matheus Aleluia, Matheus Aleluia, Eliseu Gonçalves, Eliseu Gonçalves, Adilson Schwarz, Adilson Schwarz, Ademair Lima, Ademair Lima, Anderson Silva, Anderson Silva, and Nivanieli Leandra. and Nina S.

Who are Cleberson Penha's peers at other companies?

Cleberson Penha's peers at other companies are Carlota Nelson, Felicity Parry, John Schooley, Mark Crowson, Mike Souza, and Evelyn Rey. and Roberto Biel. Cleberson Penha's peers at other companies are Carlota Nelson, Felicity Parry, John Schooley, Mark Crowson, Mike Souza, and Evelyn Rey. and Roberto Biel.