Claire Fong

Claire Fong Email and Phone Number

Retail Operations Specialist @ Hermès
paris, île-de-france, france

Claire Fong's Current Company Details


Retail Operations Specialist
paris, île-de-france, france
Luxury Goods & Jewelry

Claire Fong Work Experience

    Retail Operations Specialist
    Hermès Sep 17 - Present · 7 yrs 5 mos
    Paris, Ile-De-France, France

Claire Fong Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Claire Fong

What company does Claire Fong work for?

Claire Fong works for Hermès

What is Claire Fong's role in his/her workplace?

Claire Fong's role in his/her workplace is Retail Operations Specialist.

Which industry does Claire Fong work in currently?

Claire Fong works in the industry Luxury Goods & Jewelry.

What schools did Claire Fong attend?

Claire Fong attended The University Of Hong Kong, The University Of Hong Kong. and Université Paris Dauphine - Psl.

Who are Claire Fong's colleagues?

Claire Fong's colleagues are Bradley Lawrence, Bradley Lawrence, Adeline Lasserre, Adeline Lasserre, Grace Yoon, Grace Yoon, Alexey Pominov, Alexey Pominov, Nik Pollard, Nik Pollard, and Michael Cui. and Cécile Pernin.

Who are Claire Fong's peers at other companies?

Claire Fong's peers at other companies are Lia Ho, Océane Pertuy, Dominique Bourquenoud, Vipul Kabra, Catherine Gilbert, and Victoria Weitzendoerfer. and Jessica Battipaglia. Claire Fong's peers at other companies are Lia Ho, Océane Pertuy, Dominique Bourquenoud, Vipul Kabra, Catherine Gilbert, and Victoria Weitzendoerfer. and Jessica Battipaglia.