Cindy Smitherman

Cindy Smitherman Email and Phone Number

Merchandiser @ American Greetings
cleveland, ohio, united states

Cindy Smitherman's Contact Details

Cindy Smitherman work email

Cindy Smitherman personal email


Cindy Smitherman's Current Company Details

American Greetings

cleveland, ohio, united states
Consumer Goods

Cindy Smitherman Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Cindy Smitherman

What company does Cindy Smitherman work for?

Cindy Smitherman works for American Greetings

What is Cindy Smitherman's role in his/her workplace?

Cindy Smitherman's role in his/her workplace is Merchandiser.

Which industry does Cindy Smitherman work in currently?

Cindy Smitherman works in the industry Consumer Goods.

What is Cindy Smitherman's email address?

Cindy Smitherman's email address is

Who are Cindy Smitherman's colleagues?

Cindy Smitherman's colleagues are Av Vattano, Av Vattano, Jennifer Clark, Jennifer Clark, Shanika Robinson, Shanika Robinson, Anne Schneiter, Anne Schneiter, Terri Hudson, Terri Hudson, and India Clark. and Erika Reyes.

Who are Cindy Smitherman's peers at other companies?

Cindy Smitherman's peers at other companies are Rozivaldo Carvalho, Valérie Quidu, Megan Bracey, Ozge Mutlu, Dilipkumar Shrestha, and Dominik Gierth. and Nalini Flower. Cindy Smitherman's peers at other companies are Rozivaldo Carvalho, Valérie Quidu, Megan Bracey, Ozge Mutlu, Dilipkumar Shrestha, and Dominik Gierth. and Nalini Flower.