Christopher Smith

Christopher Smith Email and Phone Number

Package Handler @ Ups
atlanta, georgia, united states

Christopher Smith's Contact Information

Christopher Smith personal email

Christopher Smith phone numbers

Christopher Smith's Current Company Details


Package Handler
atlanta, georgia, united states

Christopher Smith Work Experience

    Package Handler
    Ups Mar 14 - Present · 10 yrs 10 mos
    Atlanta, Georgia, United States
    I work at UPS hub in Hdogkins which if Im not mistaken is one of, if not the biggest UPS hub in the United States. I got the job in March 2014 due to the fact that it has programs to will be able to pay for college while I work there

Christopher Smith Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Christopher Smith

What company does Christopher Smith work for?

Christopher Smith works for Ups

What is Christopher Smith's role in his/her workplace?

Christopher Smith's role in his/her workplace is Package Handler.

Which industry does Christopher Smith work in currently?

Christopher Smith works in the industry Transportation/Trucking/Railroad.

What is Christopher Smith's email address?

Christopher Smith's email address is

What is Christopher Smith's direct phone number?

Christopher Smith's direct phone number is +17085363569

What schools did Christopher Smith attend?

Christopher Smith attended Moraine Valley Community College, Moraine Valley Community College. and Governors State University.

Who are Christopher Smith's colleagues?

Christopher Smith's colleagues are Thomas Miale, Thomas Miale, Chandra Neyland, Chandra Neyland, Christopher Coleman, Christopher Coleman, Kimberly Johnson, Kimberly Johnson, Everette Pompey, Everette Pompey, and Alvin Durant. and Brian Thompson.

Who are Christopher Smith's peers at other companies?

Christopher Smith's peers at other companies are Katarina Pendic, Paula Assumpção, Floyd Vanhorn, Denis Hardy, Danielle Valenza, and Eric Egler. and Lamont Gorham. Christopher Smith's peers at other companies are Katarina Pendic, Paula Assumpção, Floyd Vanhorn, Denis Hardy, Danielle Valenza, and Eric Egler. and Lamont Gorham.