Christophe Bizon

Christophe Bizon Email and Phone Number

Collaborateur Comptable @ Safigec
caluire-et-cuire, rhone-alpes, france

Christophe Bizon's Current Company Details


Collaborateur Comptable
caluire-et-cuire, rhone-alpes, france

Christophe Bizon Work Experience

    Collaborateur Comptable
    Safigec Sep 10 - Sep 19 · 9 yrs
    Collaborateur Comptable
    Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

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Frequently Asked Questions about Christophe Bizon

What company does Christophe Bizon work for?

Christophe Bizon works for Safigec

What is Christophe Bizon's role in his/her workplace?

Christophe Bizon's role in his/her workplace is Collaborateur Comptable.

Which industry does Christophe Bizon work in currently?

Christophe Bizon works in the industry Accounting.

Who are Christophe Bizon's colleagues?

Christophe Bizon's colleagues are Gagnere Ingrid, Gagnere Ingrid, Jocelyne Sanna, Jocelyne Sanna, Christine Belville, Christine Belville, Safigec Maroc, Safigec Maroc, Marcia Samba, Marcia Samba, and Antoine Lopez. and Baptiste Aubertin.

Who are Christophe Bizon's peers at other companies?

Christophe Bizon's peers at other companies are Bonnie Berg, Gustavo Santillan, Arnulfo Garcia, Darina Stankova, Yi-Fang Wang, and Walter Poehler. and Kristín Snorra. Christophe Bizon's peers at other companies are Bonnie Berg, Gustavo Santillan, Arnulfo Garcia, Darina Stankova, Yi-Fang Wang, and Walter Poehler. and Kristín Snorra.