Christofer Rosengren

Christofer Rosengren Email and Phone Number

Planarkitekt @ Pe Teknik & Arkitektur
stockholm, stockholms lan, sweden

Christofer Rosengren's Contact Details

Christofer Rosengren personal email

Christofer Rosengren's Current Company Details

Pe Teknik & Arkitektur

stockholm, stockholms lan, sweden
Civil Engineering

Christofer Rosengren Work Experience

Christofer Rosengren Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Christofer Rosengren

What company does Christofer Rosengren work for?

Christofer Rosengren works for Pe Teknik & Arkitektur

What is Christofer Rosengren's role in his/her workplace?

Christofer Rosengren's role in his/her workplace is Planarkitekt.

Which industry does Christofer Rosengren work in currently?

Christofer Rosengren works in the industry Civil Engineering.

What is Christofer Rosengren's email address?

Christofer Rosengren's email address is

What schools did Christofer Rosengren attend?

Christofer Rosengren attended Malmö University, Malmö University. and Mid Sweden University.

What is Christofer Rosengren's role in his workplace?

Christofer Rosengren has skills like Autocad, Microsoft Office, Arcgis, Adobe Illustrator, Indesign, Illustrator, and Spss.

Who are Christofer Rosengren's colleagues?

Christofer Rosengren's colleagues are Ida Grundh, Ida Grundh, Petra Grafström, Petra Grafström, Thor Nordensvärd, Thor Nordensvärd, Stefan Jonsson, Stefan Jonsson, Daniel Nyqvist, Daniel Nyqvist, and Kjell-Åke Johansson. and Ann-Christine Andersson.

Who are Christofer Rosengren's peers at other companies?

Christofer Rosengren's peers at other companies are Karen Soifer, Andre Roodt, Renzo Verastegui, Jannes Boer, Abdullah Khan, and Zied Ayedi. and Vanderson Borges. Christofer Rosengren's peers at other companies are Karen Soifer, Andre Roodt, Renzo Verastegui, Jannes Boer, Abdullah Khan, and Zied Ayedi. and Vanderson Borges.