Christina Langeland

Christina Langeland Email and Phone Number

Leder Af Ppr @ Køge Kommune
køge, zealand, denmark

Christina Langeland's Current Company Details

Køge Kommune

Leder Af Ppr
køge, zealand, denmark
Political Organization

Christina Langeland Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Christina Langeland

What company does Christina Langeland work for?

Christina Langeland works for Køge Kommune

What is Christina Langeland's role in his/her workplace?

Christina Langeland's role in his/her workplace is Leder Af Ppr.

Which industry does Christina Langeland work in currently?

Christina Langeland works in the industry Political Organization.

Who are Christina Langeland's colleagues?

Christina Langeland's colleagues are Nicky Andersson, Nicky Andersson, Anne Birkedal, Anne Birkedal, Carsten Christiansen, Carsten Christiansen, Christine Bendixen, Christine Bendixen, Herdis Olsen, Herdis Olsen, and Peter Tuxen. and Dorte Greve.

Who are Christina Langeland's peers at other companies?

Christina Langeland's peers at other companies are Alexandra Pedersen, Josefine Boman, Marisa Pyle, Andrea Lukáčová, Jon Lamberg, and Filomena De Oliveira. and Lone Andersen. Christina Langeland's peers at other companies are Alexandra Pedersen, Josefine Boman, Marisa Pyle, Andrea Lukáčová, Jon Lamberg, and Filomena De Oliveira. and Lone Andersen.