Christian Putzke

Christian Putzke Email and Phone Number

Niedergelassener Arzt @ Arztpraxis
nuremberg, bayern, germany

Christian Putzke's Current Company Details


Niedergelassener Arzt
nuremberg, bayern, germany
Medical Practice

Christian Putzke Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Christian Putzke

What company does Christian Putzke work for?

Christian Putzke works for Arztpraxis

What is Christian Putzke's role in his/her workplace?

Christian Putzke's role in his/her workplace is Niedergelassener Arzt.

Which industry does Christian Putzke work in currently?

Christian Putzke works in the industry Medical Practice.

Who are Christian Putzke's colleagues?

Christian Putzke's colleagues are Peter Sonderegger, Peter Sonderegger, Shirin Schindera, Shirin Schindera, Karin Knobloch, Karin Knobloch, Ursula Schiffer, Ursula Schiffer, Monika Poburski, Monika Poburski, and Hans-Peter Wicki. and Debora Steiner.

Who are Christian Putzke's peers at other companies?

Christian Putzke's peers at other companies are Gisele Dos Reis, Andrea Koutsogiannakis, Antoinette Marshall, Noelle Abouelmakarem, Nancy Ameli, and Stephanie Levine. and Krista Steele. Christian Putzke's peers at other companies are Gisele Dos Reis, Andrea Koutsogiannakis, Antoinette Marshall, Noelle Abouelmakarem, Nancy Ameli, and Stephanie Levine. and Krista Steele.