Christi Ng

Christi Ng Email and Phone Number

washington, district of columbia, united states

Christi Ng's Contact Information

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Christi Ng's Current Company Details

Georgetown University Medical Center

Laboratory Manager
washington, district of columbia, united states
Higher Education
Laboratory Manager at Georgetown University’s Department of Neuroscience in Bill Rebeck’s Laboratory of Aging and Neurodegeneration.

Christi Ng Work Experience

    Veterinary Assistant
    Freetown Animal Hospital Sep 17 - Feb 19 · 1 yr 5 mos
    * Trained coworkers/new hires in proper pet restraint and medication administration * Developed templates for uniform SOAP documentation, protocols for therapeutic drug monitoring, and sample collection methods * Acquire samples from pets using techniques such as intravenous blood collection or skin scraping * Run diagnostic testing such as urinalyses, microscopic exams of cytology and fecal samples, complete blood counts, and chemistries * Train for monitoring of all anesthetic procedures * Manage and maximize capabilities of the medical software system, Avimark, and supervise drug and product inventory Show less
    Veterinary Assistant
    Banfield Pet Hospital Aug 16 - Jun 17 · 10 mos
    Vancouver, Washington, United States
    * Assist veterinarian with restraining pets, administering medications, documenting medical notes, and client communication * Utilize basic in-house laboratory diagnostics and prepare samples to be sent out for outside laboratory evaluation * Perform diagnostic radiographs and assist with ultrasonography imaging diagnostics such as echocardiograms and abdominal imaging * Educate clients on basic pet care, doctor recommendations, and hospital preventive care programs
    Laboratory Manager
    Georgetown University Medical Center Dec 21 - Present · 3 yrs 1 mo
    Washington, District Of Columbia, United States
    Veterinary Technician
    Washington, District Of Columbia, United States
    * Log/report health checks and determine any needed medical care of laboratory animals, including mice, rats, woodchucks, and non-human primates * Validate and fulfill requests of researchers by implementing treatments for animals or providing medications and supplies approved on research protocols * Assist with surgery and prep, monitoring anesthesia, phlebotomy, sample acquiring, ear tagging, and other procedures on laboratory animals * Independently ensure adequate care and determine humane endpoints of laboratory animals Show less
    Research Assistant
    Georgetown University Medical Center Feb 19 - Dec 21 · 2 yrs 10 mos
    Washington, District Of Columbia, United States

Christi Ng Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Christi Ng

What company does Christi Ng work for?

Christi Ng works for Georgetown University Medical Center

What is Christi Ng's role in his/her workplace?

Christi Ng's role in his/her workplace is Laboratory Manager.

Which industry does Christi Ng work in currently?

Christi Ng works in the industry Higher Education.

What is Christi Ng's email address?

Christi Ng's email address is

What is Christi Ng's direct phone number?

Christi Ng's direct phone number is +14044330587

What schools did Christi Ng attend?

Christi Ng attended Community College Of Baltimore County, Community College Of Baltimore County. Bentonville High School, Bentonville High School. Walton High School, Walton High School. Community College Of Baltimore County, Community College Of Baltimore County. and Georgetown University.

Who are Christi Ng's colleagues?

Christi Ng's colleagues are Rency Varghese, Rency Varghese, Heather Boynton, Heather Boynton, Anna Kasprzyk-Pawelec, Anna Kasprzyk-Pawelec, Nusrat Islam, Nusrat Islam, Karen Xiao, Karen Xiao, and Leonard Bazar. and Shewit Bezabeh.

Who are Christi Ng's peers at other companies?

Christi Ng's peers at other companies are Eric Porras, John Venturini, Rhinehart Alycia, Faizah Fairooz, Johandry Córdova, and Hal Weitzman. and Caroline Szczepanski. Christi Ng's peers at other companies are Eric Porras, John Venturini, Rhinehart Alycia, Faizah Fairooz, Johandry Córdova, and Hal Weitzman. and Caroline Szczepanski.