Christer Friberg

Christer Friberg Email and Phone Number

System Developer @ Uc Ab
stockholm, stockholms lan, sweden

Christer Friberg's Contact Information

Christer Friberg work email

Christer Friberg personal email


Christer Friberg's Current Company Details

Uc Ab

System Developer
stockholm, stockholms lan, sweden
Financial Services

Christer Friberg Work Experience

    System Developer
    Stockholm, Sweden

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Frequently Asked Questions about Christer Friberg

What company does Christer Friberg work for?

Christer Friberg works for Uc Ab

What is Christer Friberg's role in his/her workplace?

Christer Friberg's role in his/her workplace is System Developer.

Which industry does Christer Friberg work in currently?

Christer Friberg works in the industry Financial Services.

What is Christer Friberg's email address?

Christer Friberg's email address is

Who are Christer Friberg's colleagues?

Christer Friberg's colleagues are Karin Holmström, Karin Holmström, Stephanie Nolting, Stephanie Nolting, Amir-Kia Kiabi, Amir-Kia Kiabi, Mamma Åsberg, Mamma Åsberg, Magnus Kärrström, Magnus Kärrström, and Ian Molander. and Fredrik Rosén.

Who are Christer Friberg's peers at other companies?

Christer Friberg's peers at other companies are Jubril Oguja, Xiaolei Dong, Shelley Osborn, Challa Prasad, Manish Chhabria, and Keysha Walker. and Emiel Davis. Christer Friberg's peers at other companies are Jubril Oguja, Xiaolei Dong, Shelley Osborn, Challa Prasad, Manish Chhabria, and Keysha Walker. and Emiel Davis.