Chris Chisam

Chris Chisam Email and Phone Number

Driver Manager @ Swift Transportation
phoenix, arizona, united states

Chris Chisam's Contact Details

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Chris Chisam's Current Company Details

Swift Transportation

Driver Manager
phoenix, arizona, united states
Experienced Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the transportation/trucking/railroad industry. Skilled in Operations Management, Freight, Team Building, Warehouse Operations, and Management. Strong operations professional graduated from Lord Fairfax Community College.

Chris Chisam Work Experience

    On Site Manager
    Swift Transportation Target Corporation Jul 01 - Apr 08 · 6 yrs 9 mos
    Department Manager
    Delhaize Group May 92 - May 95 · 3 yrs
    Zaandam, North Holland, Netherlands
    Fleet Manager
    Swift Transportation May 98 - Jul 01 · 3 yrs 2 mos
    Phoenix, Arizona, United States
    Job Overview Primary Purpose and Essential Functions: To ensure that the Driver Leader's are performing their functions and act as a liaison between drivers and Driver Leaders and Terminal Leaders Monitor and evaluate the performance of Driver Leaders and their fleets Mediate in Driver conflicts Monitor Driver Compliance issues Conduct exit interviews with Drivers leaving the company Assist Driver Leaders with planning issues Assist Terminal Leader with shift scheduling Work with other departments to assist Drivers, i.e. Payroll, Shop, Compliance Correct undesirable behavior of Driver Leaders Work with the Driver Leaders on trainer/trainee situations, including release to solo status Hires & trains personnel May perform additional duties as assigned by leadership Maintain a positive work atmosphere by acting and communicating in a manner which facilitates the success of business operations in order to meet company demands and expectations.
    Driver Manager
    Phoenix, Arizona, United States

Chris Chisam Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Chris Chisam

What company does Chris Chisam work for?

Chris Chisam works for Swift Transportation

What is Chris Chisam's role in his/her workplace?

Chris Chisam's role in his/her workplace is Driver Manager.

Which industry does Chris Chisam work in currently?

Chris Chisam works in the industry Transportation/Trucking/Railroad.

What is Chris Chisam's email address?

Chris Chisam's email address is

What schools did Chris Chisam attend?

Chris Chisam attended James Wood High School, James Wood High School. and Lord Fairfax Community College.

Who are Chris Chisam's colleagues?

Chris Chisam's colleagues are Delores Lopez-Dawkins, Delores Lopez-Dawkins, James Batiste, James Batiste, Brandon Alaniz, Brandon Alaniz, Sereirath Sieng, Sereirath Sieng, Annelis Carrigan, Annelis Carrigan, and Kevin Malloy. and Bhairvi Chad.

Who are Chris Chisam's peers at other companies?

Chris Chisam's peers at other companies are Ina Næss, Bruna Duarte, Stefanos Petykas, Jan Brinkman, Graeme Dickson, and Justin Snyder. and Joost Holweg. Chris Chisam's peers at other companies are Ina Næss, Bruna Duarte, Stefanos Petykas, Jan Brinkman, Graeme Dickson, and Justin Snyder. and Joost Holweg.