Chootu Raj

Chootu Raj Email and Phone Number

Quality Engineer @ Versatile Card Technology
plainfield, new jersey, united states

Chootu Raj's Current Company Details

Versatile Card Technology

Quality Engineer
plainfield, new jersey, united states

Chootu Raj Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Chootu Raj

What company does Chootu Raj work for?

Chootu Raj works for Versatile Card Technology

What is Chootu Raj's role in his/her workplace?

Chootu Raj's role in his/her workplace is Quality Engineer.

Which industry does Chootu Raj work in currently?

Chootu Raj works in the industry Printing.

Who are Chootu Raj's colleagues?

Chootu Raj's colleagues are Pon Kumar, Pon Kumar, A.logesh Logesh, A.logesh Logesh, Rich Orsi, Rich Orsi, Eswara Rao, Eswara Rao, Yasin Ozel, Yasin Ozel, and Shanthi Manivannan. and Steve O'connor.

Who are Chootu Raj's peers at other companies?

Chootu Raj's peers at other companies are M Saleh Badal, Evaristo Peregrino, Eliene Vieira, Cheryl Esposito, Jack Bruder, and Annie Nawab. and Samsuddin Ahmed. Chootu Raj's peers at other companies are M Saleh Badal, Evaristo Peregrino, Eliene Vieira, Cheryl Esposito, Jack Bruder, and Annie Nawab. and Samsuddin Ahmed.