Chetan Nighojkar

Chetan Nighojkar Email and Phone Number

Associate Developer @ Zensoft Services
pune, maharashtra, india

Chetan Nighojkar's Contact Details

Chetan Nighojkar personal email

Chetan Nighojkar's Current Company Details

Zensoft Services

Associate Developer
pune, maharashtra, india
Information Technology And Services

Chetan Nighojkar Work Experience

Chetan Nighojkar Education

    Saint Jopseph Convent Sr. Sec. School
    1994 - 1999

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Frequently Asked Questions about Chetan Nighojkar

What company does Chetan Nighojkar work for?

Chetan Nighojkar works for Zensoft Services

What is Chetan Nighojkar's role in his/her workplace?

Chetan Nighojkar's role in his/her workplace is Associate Developer.

Which industry does Chetan Nighojkar work in currently?

Chetan Nighojkar works in the industry Information Technology And Services.

What is Chetan Nighojkar's email address?

Chetan Nighojkar's email address is

What schools did Chetan Nighojkar attend?

Chetan Nighojkar attended Saint Jopseph Convent Sr. Sec. School.

Who are Chetan Nighojkar's colleagues?

Chetan Nighojkar's colleagues are Uddhav Jawale, Uddhav Jawale, Anshula Jain, Anshula Jain, Amol Sapre, Amol Sapre, Archana Patil, Archana Patil, Uday Kumar, Uday Kumar, and Prasad Sumant. and Shrushti Dev.

Who are Chetan Nighojkar's peers at other companies?

Chetan Nighojkar's peers at other companies are Julia Ruttau, Eric Crawford, Sreehitha Reddy, Umair Rasheed, Anthony Abraham, and Gérémy Colley. and Rémi Navarro. Chetan Nighojkar's peers at other companies are Julia Ruttau, Eric Crawford, Sreehitha Reddy, Umair Rasheed, Anthony Abraham, and Gérémy Colley. and Rémi Navarro.