Charlene Flowers

Charlene Flowers Email and Phone Number

Phlebotomist @ Ampath Laboratories
verwoerdburg, gauteng, south africa

Charlene Flowers's Current Company Details

Ampath Laboratories

verwoerdburg, gauteng, south africa
Medical Practice

Charlene Flowers Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Charlene Flowers

What company does Charlene Flowers work for?

Charlene Flowers works for Ampath Laboratories

What is Charlene Flowers's role in his/her workplace?

Charlene Flowers's role in his/her workplace is Phlebotomist.

Which industry does Charlene Flowers work in currently?

Charlene Flowers works in the industry Medical Practice.

Who are Charlene Flowers's colleagues?

Charlene Flowers's colleagues are David Botha, David Botha, Sonja De Klerk, Sonja De Klerk, Lazinda Liebetrau, Lazinda Liebetrau, David Littler, David Littler, Mbali Khanyile, Mbali Khanyile, and Hellene Kapetanopoulos. and Shabnum Chunderpersad.

Who are Charlene Flowers's peers at other companies?

Charlene Flowers's peers at other companies are Marie Timbol-Padriga, Jordan Wilson, Atsebeha Gebremicheal, Ashley M, Jacob Rosenthal, and Anthony Bejjani. and Josiane Martin. Charlene Flowers's peers at other companies are Marie Timbol-Padriga, Jordan Wilson, Atsebeha Gebremicheal, Ashley M, Jacob Rosenthal, and Anthony Bejjani. and Josiane Martin.