Cellena Belama

Cellena Belama Email and Phone Number

south africa

Cellena Belama's Current Company Details


Eskom Holdings Soc Ltd

south africa

Cellena Belama Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Cellena Belama

What company does Cellena Belama work for?

Cellena Belama works for Eskom Holdings Soc Ltd

Which industry does Cellena Belama work in currently?

Cellena Belama works in the industry Utilities.

Who are Cellena Belama's colleagues?

Cellena Belama's colleagues are Jim Sethebe, Jim Sethebe, Sonwabile Baklei, Sonwabile Baklei, Wendy Tshego, Wendy Tshego, Paul Smit, Paul Smit, Lourens De Lange, Lourens De Lange, and Tinus Vorster. and Godfrey Phala.

Who are Cellena Belama's peers at other companies?

Cellena Belama's peers at other companies are Mark Reimer, Gomotso Pooe, Victor Solomonean, Hanna Jenkins, Brian Travers, and Edgar Cocula. and Brian Delvecchio. Cellena Belama's peers at other companies are Mark Reimer, Gomotso Pooe, Victor Solomonean, Hanna Jenkins, Brian Travers, and Edgar Cocula. and Brian Delvecchio.