Cecilia Contreras Email and Phone Number
Cecilia Contreras's Current Company Details
Colegio Centenario S.A.
- Website:
- colegio-centenario.cl
- Employees:
- 9
- Industry:
- Primary/secondary Education
Cecilia Contreras Work Experience
Profesora De InglésColegio Centenario S.A. Sep 14 - Present · 10 yrs 4 mosSantiago, Santiago Metropolitan, Chile
Profesora De InglésColegio Manquecura Ciudad De Los Valles Mar 05 - Feb 11 · 5 yrs 11 mos
Cecilia Contreras Education
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Помощник Учителя
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Start your free trialFrequently Asked Questions about Cecilia Contreras
What company does Cecilia Contreras work for?
Cecilia Contreras works for Colegio Centenario S.a.
What is Cecilia Contreras's role in his/her workplace?
Cecilia Contreras's role in his/her workplace is Profesora De Inglés.
Which industry does Cecilia Contreras work in currently?
Cecilia Contreras works in the industry Primary/Secondary Education.
What schools did Cecilia Contreras attend?
Cecilia Contreras attended Universidad Católica Cardenal Raúl Silva Henríquez.
What is Cecilia Contreras's role in his workplace?
Cecilia Contreras has skills like Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, English, Docencia, Pet, and English Teaching.
Who are Cecilia Contreras's colleagues?
Cecilia Contreras's colleagues are Pamela Fernandez, Pamela Fernandez, Gerardo Acevedo, Gerardo Acevedo, Marcela Calderon, Marcela Calderon, and Leonardo Muñoz. and Paulina Mesias.
Who are Cecilia Contreras's peers at other companies?
Cecilia Contreras's peers at other companies are Sara Perry, Vincent Naples, Meine Van Der Graaf, Karl Berry, Paulina Castorena-Villarreal, and Elise Laws. and Jakhona Umarova. Cecilia Contreras's peers at other companies are Sara Perry, Vincent Naples, Meine Van Der Graaf, Karl Berry, Paulina Castorena-Villarreal, and Elise Laws. and Jakhona Umarova.