Cecile Dos Santos

Cecile Dos Santos Email and Phone Number

Cardiologie @ Cic-bt Chu Besançon
besançon, bourgogne-franche-comte, france

Cecile Dos Santos's Current Company Details


Cic-Bt Chu Besançon

besançon, bourgogne-franche-comte, france

Cecile Dos Santos Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Cecile Dos Santos

What company does Cecile Dos Santos work for?

Cecile Dos Santos works for Cic-Bt Chu Besançon

What is Cecile Dos Santos's role in his/her workplace?

Cecile Dos Santos's role in his/her workplace is Cardiologie.

Which industry does Cecile Dos Santos work in currently?

Cecile Dos Santos works in the industry Pharmaceuticals.

Who are Cecile Dos Santos's colleagues?

Cecile Dos Santos's colleagues are Pascale Lagré, Pascale Lagré, Norbert Khayat, Norbert Khayat, Lydie-Vuillet Frenot, Lydie-Vuillet Frenot, Valérie Julien, Valérie Julien, Nathalie Boichut, Nathalie Boichut, and Xu Sun. and Arnaud Regent.

Who are Cecile Dos Santos's peers at other companies?

Cecile Dos Santos's peers at other companies are Alan Katz, Jackie Byrd, Hilda Yani, Venkata Rambhala, Monique Garcias-Lynch, and Viet Hoang. and Vasilis Boutsis. Cecile Dos Santos's peers at other companies are Alan Katz, Jackie Byrd, Hilda Yani, Venkata Rambhala, Monique Garcias-Lynch, and Viet Hoang. and Vasilis Boutsis.