Catherine Gilbert

Catherine Gilbert Email and Phone Number

Writer And Researcher And Lecturer @ Various Companies
greenwich, connecticut, united states

Catherine Gilbert's Current Company Details

Various Companies

Writer And Researcher And Lecturer
greenwich, connecticut, united states
Completed Graduate studies at the University of Victoria April 2018 with a Masters in History. I continue to give talks on BC history, write freelance and do editing work. I am currently writing an article for the Western Mariner Magazine about the RCAF Marine Squadron of WWII.

Catherine Gilbert Work Experience

    Instructor Pre-Confederation Canadian History
    North Island College End date missing
    Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada
    Assistant To President
    Wilderness Tourism Association Of Bc Oct 06 - Jan 09 · 2 yrs 3 mos
    Was on the team that created and published Be Wild in BC magazine that discussed issues affecting wilderness tourism operators with a special focus on environment. Developed a database of 800 of BC's Wilderness Tourism Operators with assistance from Malaspina College students. Organized AGM and looked after membership.
    Guest Services And Presenting Lodge History To Guests And Groups
    Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada
    Beachfront Bed & Breakfast May 17 - Sep 17 · 4 mos
    Saint Augustine, Florida, United States
    Instructor European History
    North Island College End date missing
    Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada
    Writer And Editor
    Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada
    * Assisting Lodge founder Myrna Boulding with revising history book about the Lodge - Survival Strathcona Style, Off the Grid and On the Edge, originally published in 2009. Layout, photo and text design and editing. * Wrote descriptive panels for each building of the Lodge describing the history. * Created a timeline for Lodge website of the history.
    Museum At Campbell River
    City Of Campbell River Dec 08 - Aug 15 · 6 yrs 8 mos
    Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada
    Creating all the promotional materials for the museum and one of the most absorbing and interesting parts of my job has been to write and edit the monthly history column we do for the Campbell River Mirror. I also love working on the historic boat tours -- researching, arranging, planning, promoting with my co-oworkers at the museum, and ultimately delivering the stories of the coast to boat passengers which I do as a freelance guide.
    Teaching Assistant
    University Of Victoria Sep 16 - Apr 18 · 1 yr 7 mos
    Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
    Evaluated student resumes, cover letters, linkedIn profiles and coop experience for several Coop Departments at the university. Much of the work was online and required strict attention to details and deadlines.
    Writer And Researcher And Lecturer
    Various Companies Jan 99 - Present · 26 yrs 1 mo
    Greenwich, Connecticut, United States
    I write about and give lectures on various topics in British Columbia History: History of Strathcona Provincial Park, The Nootka Crisis, How Our Coast Was Named, The Fort at Yorke Island, The Boats and Men Who Served Along the Coast during WWII and the History of Strathcona Park Lodge. I continue to write about British Columbia coastal history, and my world is a constant exchange of information with those who are kind enough and enthusiastic enough to share their history and family history in the form of photos, old documents and stories with me. One bit of information seems to lead to another making research a true adventure, full of surprises and unusual coincidences. I am always reading and gathering, but with a goal in mind. The form the final product takes on can be in the form of a power point presentation, a lecture on a boat cruise, an article or eventually a book - the purpose being to share and continue exchanging and broadening knowledge of Canadian history.

Catherine Gilbert Education

Frequently Asked Questions about Catherine Gilbert

What company does Catherine Gilbert work for?

Catherine Gilbert works for Various Companies

What is Catherine Gilbert's role in his/her workplace?

Catherine Gilbert's role in his/her workplace is Writer And Researcher And Lecturer.

What schools did Catherine Gilbert attend?

Catherine Gilbert attended University Of Victoria, University Of Victoria. North Island College, North Island College. University Of Victoria, University Of Victoria. Western University, Western University. and York University.

What are some of Catherine Gilbert's interests?

Catherine Gilbert has interests in Arts And Culture.

Who are Catherine Gilbert's colleagues?

Catherine Gilbert's colleagues are Lamonica Hobson, Lamonica Hobson, Alberto Leny, Alberto Leny, Anna Combrink, Anna Combrink, Daniel Spink, Daniel Spink, Christopher Krumlauf, Christopher Krumlauf, and Chichester Nziradzemhuka. and Marguerite Celeste.