Catherine Malijan

Catherine Malijan Email and Phone Number

Catherine Malijan's Contact Information

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Catherine Malijan's Current Company Details

Local Government Improvement And Development (Lgid)

Contracts Officer
Human Resources

Catherine Malijan Work Experience

Catherine Malijan Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Catherine Malijan

What company does Catherine Malijan work for?

Catherine Malijan works for Local Government Improvement And Development (Lgid)

What is Catherine Malijan's role in his/her workplace?

Catherine Malijan's role in his/her workplace is Contracts Officer.

Which industry does Catherine Malijan work in currently?

Catherine Malijan works in the industry Human Resources.

What is Catherine Malijan's email address?

Catherine Malijan's email address is

What schools did Catherine Malijan attend?

Catherine Malijan attended Middlesex University.

Who are Catherine Malijan's colleagues?

Catherine Malijan's colleagues are Raji Papichulo, Raji Papichulo, Muhammad Umair, Muhammad Umair, Wency Barrientos, Wency Barrientos, Liam Hughes, Liam Hughes, Liz Cole, Liz Cole, and Charles Mwakambaya. and Nsabimana Etienne.

Who are Catherine Malijan's peers at other companies?

Catherine Malijan's peers at other companies are Trysten Reeder, Gopi Kanth, Yaniris Rodriguez, Jose Resare, Kim Heinberg, and Raymundo Gonzalez. and Lynelle Duncan. Catherine Malijan's peers at other companies are Trysten Reeder, Gopi Kanth, Yaniris Rodriguez, Jose Resare, Kim Heinberg, and Raymundo Gonzalez. and Lynelle Duncan.