Catharine Germain

Catharine Germain Email and Phone Number

Legal Secretary @ Hanson Bridgett Llp
san francisco, california, united states

Catharine Germain's Contact Details

Catharine Germain work email

Catharine Germain personal email


Catharine Germain's Current Company Details

Hanson Bridgett Llp

Legal Secretary
san francisco, california, united states
Law Practice
I am a very organized, detail oriented person who can work well on her own as well as in a team. I have extensive litigation experience. If you would like to know more please contact me through LinkedIn or send me a message via email

Catharine Germain Work Experience

    Legal Assistant
    Cdf Labor Law Llp Dec 99 - Mar 14 · 14 yrs 3 mos
    Irvine, California, United States
    Office administrator, paralegal and legal assistant to managing partner and several attorneys within the firm. Responsible for all aspects of litigation, including preparing pleadings and motions, organize documents, court filings, and schedule depositions. Draft discovery requests, including those for production, interrogatories, admissions, and copies. Responsible for budgeting and maintaining office supplies, equipment and contact with all vendors.
    Legal Secretary
    Seyfarth Shaw Llp Oct 96 - Dec 99 · 3 yrs 2 mos
    Chicago, Illinois, United States
    Support Labor and Employment Law attorneys in high-paced International Law Firm. Responsible for all aspects of litigation including maintaining calendars for filing deadlines, conference calls and meetings, depositions, and court hearings, and transcription.
    Legal Secretary
    Hanson Bridgett Llp Sep 22 - Present · 2 yrs 5 mos
    San Francisco, California, United States
    Legal Secretary
    Liebert Cassidy Whitmore Apr 22 - Sep 22 · 5 mos
    Los Angeles, California, United States
    Legal Secretary
    Downey Brand Llp Aug 14 - Apr 22 · 7 yrs 8 mos
    Sacramento, California, United States

Catharine Germain Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Catharine Germain

What company does Catharine Germain work for?

Catharine Germain works for Hanson Bridgett Llp

What is Catharine Germain's role in his/her workplace?

Catharine Germain's role in his/her workplace is Legal Secretary.

Which industry does Catharine Germain work in currently?

Catharine Germain works in the industry Law Practice.

What is Catharine Germain's email address?

Catharine Germain's email address is

What schools did Catharine Germain attend?

Catharine Germain attended California State University - Sacramento.

Who are Catharine Germain's peers at other companies?

Catharine Germain's peers at other companies are Yasmine Nadouri, Jason Ingham, Sherie Mallari, Zuleikha Abbasakoor, Sarah Reuss, and Lyndon Flosi. and Christine Gibara. Catharine Germain's peers at other companies are Yasmine Nadouri, Jason Ingham, Sherie Mallari, Zuleikha Abbasakoor, Sarah Reuss, and Lyndon Flosi. and Christine Gibara.